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Menu doesn´t drop down in Safari

Registered User
2012-01-19 09:52:23

Got Website Painter (which really does the job effectively) and made a quick site for my iOs apps.
Trouble is that the drop down menu, which is OK everywhere else, doesn´t work in Safari on iPad. Which is where I really need it.
Do I have to redesign or is there something I have overlooked?
Check if you´re on an iPad to see what I mean.

2012-01-19 12:16:48

I haven't an iPad, but I could imagine the following could be the reason for this: That Menu is designed to pop up once the mouse moves over it. Since the iPad is a touch screen device and has no mouse movement, and only clicking (=tapping with your finger), the menu won't pop up.
Is this what your problem might be?

If so, as workaround simply link some pages with all the necessary links to the top menu item, like on this homepage. The links in dropdown menu is then not usable because it will never popup. Maybe we could also release a small update or additional option to the menu, so that it is also usable not by moving your mouse, but for example by clicking onto it.

Registered User
2012-01-19 20:59:21

Thanks. I worked around the problem by overlaying the top menu with transparent objects which link to summaries of products and about/contact.
The objects do not cover the whole menu, so the dropdowns still are available where they work.

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