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CopperLicht 1.4 released

2011-10-01 07:23:50

A new update of CopperLicht is now available, version 1.4. Get it here:


- Dynamic light is now supported.

- CopperLicht now supports the backface culling flag for every material. Enabling a way to use double sided
materials in the 3D scene.

- Internet Explorer is now supported as well. Although this browser doesn't support WebGL, you can run CopperLicht now
perfectly using the IEWebGL plugin. There is also now a copperlicht_ie.js file available on our website to
help you using CopperLicht in InternetExplorer.

- CopperLicht now supports all features of Coppercube 3

- Updated to support new features of the CopperCube editor (i.e. dynamic frames per second counter)

- Fixed a bug in firefox: When playing animated meshes in a WebGL scene, firefox got slower and slower.
This is caused by a memory leak bug in firefox, but CopperLicht is now aware of this and improves the situation.

- All triangle selectors now have the option to specify a node to ignore, which is useful to
prevent collisions for example of a scene node against itself.

- Pressing keys assigned to behaviors or actions like camera controllers will no
longer cause that key presses to propagate to the browser, causing it to for example scroll unwantedly.

Registered User
2011-10-01 19:08:03

Thats a nice update!
I espacially like the backface culling flag! :-)

Registered User
2011-10-04 01:33:06

Thanks niko!

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