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CopperCube 4.0.2 released

2013-02-22 08:55:29

CopperCube 4.0.2 is available, you can get it here:

It is basically only a bug fix release, including a few improvements and bug fixes: Extended cloning mechanism, improved physics on android, and more WebGL publishing options. If you are using Mac OS X, it is recommended to update. Detailed change log:

Editor changes:

- When using the 'clone' command in the editor: if used on a node with actions and/or behaviors which referenced that same node, now the reference is changed in the clone to the cloned node automatically.

- The same is now in effect for the 'copy behaviors' and 'paste behaviors' commands in the editor: If the pasted behaviors include a reference to the original owning scene node, these references will now be changed to the scene node the behaviors are pasted onto.

Changes in all targets:

- The 'shoot' action now has a property named 'ShootPositionDisplacement' to specify a displacement start position for the shot. In this way, it is now possible to place exactly where the shot should start (for example from a weaponat a specific position in the 3d mesh)

- The 'clone' action in generated apps now behaves differently: References to the same scene node are changed by the clone action in the clone to the cloned node automatically. This way, it is possible to define more complex behaviors and actions for cloned objects.

Android target changes:

-Generated Android apps now prevent the device to go into sleep mode during loading

- Previously, it was possible to get easier stuck with the 'collision' behavior in Android apps due to the low precision of some mobile processors. The precision has now been adjusted accordingly, and you cannot get stuck that easily anymore.

- Sounds are now resumed when the app is paused and is resumed later.

WebGL target changes:

- It is now possible to let the app only start when all textures are completely loaded. There is a new option in the publishing settings in the editor for this.

Flash target changes:

- The documentation has been updated with the changed API on how to use scripting with Actionscript.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed a bug causing android apps with the rendering mode "when scene changed" to draw a black screen initially when resumed.

- Fixed a bug causing a possible crash when an imported animated 3D mesh as static mesh has a transparent material and the lightmapper is started for this mesh.

- Fixed a bug causing the first person camera in fullscreen mode on some Mac OS X systems to not look correctly.

- Fixed a bug causing the 'hide or unhide' action not to work on some mac systems

- Fixed a problem causing some prefabs not loading their textures on Mac OS X

- Fixed a bug causing CopperCube to crash when a plugin prints a string longer than 4 KB.

- Fixed a small memory leak when drawing particle systems in WebGL

- Fixed a bug causing the proximity behavior not to be cloned with the same radius.

mrm design
2013-02-22 09:40:02

Thank you Niko,

All very useful fixes.
You are a semi-superhuman programmer.



p.s. I will email you shortly to reset my password again. On the upside I am will certainly never fail to spell international correctly.

Registered User
2013-02-22 09:50:38

Niko as always Awesome !!!

Thank you for the shot & clone

The Elk

Registered User
2013-02-22 10:35:27

Very happy about these updates Niko, thank you.


Registered User
2013-02-22 13:32:25

Great!!!!!!!! thank you!

Registered User
2013-02-22 17:24:08

Way to go Nico! Thanks for all your efforts - these clone fixes look like they will really improve development productivity.

Registered User
2013-02-22 18:00:26

Great update! The collision on Android is much better - particularly in tunnels and mazes - brilliant. I still get stuck when navigating terrains though... Any suggestions? I've tried reducing the polygon count of the terrains, adjusting the size of the camera, etc but I still get jammed up! Only on Android, no other targets. I wonder if collision sensitivity could be an option / value??

Also - the audio issues of 2D / looping remain, both in the editor and when publishing projects. 2D audio seems to carry on in the editor even when I quit one CC project and load another! :)

When I have a 2D looping sound in Scene 1 and another in Scene 2 - it seems to work OK initially. But when switching back to either scene, nothing can be heard - the sounds seem to die. I've tried all kinds of things to get this working - stop all sounds, triggering sounds before scene initialization, triggering sounds on button press, etc etc ... HELP!!! Any ideas or workarounds madly appreciated!! I would love to get this sorted as I have a Play Store app pending!

A post about the development of Zone due to appear on Vizup 3D's blog shortly by the way - will mention and link to Coppercube :)

Thank you


Registered User
2013-02-22 20:37:37

Thank you very much

Registered User
2013-02-23 06:01:05

Thanks Niko! 1st person camera looks great in full screen OS X now. Super fast turnaround!

2013-02-24 21:30:00

Hm, an adjustable precision value would be an idea. Maybe.

About the playing audio: You can open the audio window in CopperCube and manually hit the stop button for this.

The audio on Android isn't very perfect yet, still trying to improve it. The problem is that that audio API on android is very, very buggy. And it has different bugs across the various operating system version numbers. Very frustrating.

Registered User
2013-02-24 22:02:56

Ah right thanks for the tip :)

Yes I can imagine Android audio is a nightmare and v. frustrating :(

Bloody audio in general seems to be a real problem across platforms, as you've said before.

OK I'll try and work around the problems until - hopefully - you can solve the issues without smashing your computer up.

I'm on my 3rd computer this week - the others went out the window or had my fist through the screen.


Registered User
2013-03-04 09:10:12

is planned for a future release, the support for animated gif?

2013-03-06 08:09:52

No, animated gifs will probably not make it in. Use the texture animation behavior for this.

Registered User
2013-03-06 10:04:02

is planned for a future release, the support for animated gif?

Try this software to extract each frame from a gif.

I use it sometimes then add each frame to an animated texture.

I've made moving water and many things with this.


Registered User
2013-03-08 09:00:57

ok thank you

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