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Ambiera Forum > irrKlang
recording not playing

Registered User
2013-12-11 13:30:05

I am implementing this in my app

mAudioPlayer = mSoundEngine->play2D(localMainFilePath.toStdString().c_str(), false, false, true);

mAudioPlayer is of type

irrklang::ISound *mAudioPlayer;

When i try to play recording crash occured saying access voilation on debugging I am getting
mAudioPlayer has 0x00000000

why mAudioPlayer is not intialising.

I am using visual studio 2010
QT 5.0.2
recording is playing on window 7 but not on xp
and mp3 songs are playing on xp

2013-12-12 08:01:04

This means irrKlang couldn't play back your file. There could be various reasons. Maybe it doesn't find the file (is the path correct?). Maybe the file format is unknown. For example, if it is a Wave file, the encoding in it might not be known because some Wave files are compressed, not all are pure PCM data.
Since you say it is playing on some os, then maybe it is just the path?

Registered User
2013-12-17 07:44:55

yes their was problem in path

thanks you

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