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run time error

2014-11-03 05:12:36

don't know if posting as a guest works here...

anyways i'm just trying out irrklang and i've spent hours earlier trying to figure out how to set up the library and header files on Dev C++ correctly
(even now i'm unsure if what i did is correct now that i finally manage to compile the "Hello World" example) but i run into a run time error on the example i'm not sure on how to fix.. the output is expected as usual except when the sound from the "getout.ogg" does not play and the line

Could not open sound file:...

instead of expecting the file name, i get a string of random characters displaying after the colon. i commented out the 2nd play2d call when i figured the 2 lines were responsible for most of the problems i've ran into earlier. any help is appreciated, i'm a beginner in c++ and i'm just trying out the library to see if i can try to play sound/music files at this point in c++.

Registered User
2014-11-03 08:36:53

What compiler are you using? I guess gcc? What version of gcc?
I think the problem is that the gcc developers recently changed the ABI compatibility, which causes gccs generated code of one version of gcc to crash with other gcc generated of another version.

Use an older version of irrKlang, this should fix the problem. Try version 1.3 for example. Or if you are using 1.3, try the latest version instead.

2014-11-03 16:20:03

well not sure what you mean by gcc, the compiler i use is called Dev c++ by a company called bloodshed. the version i'm using is if it's a bad compiler, any suggestions for another?

2014-11-03 16:43:25

just tried the 1.3b zip and i run into the similar run time error. maybe i set up irrklang incorrectly. is there a tutorial for this stuff?

2014-11-03 17:32:36

well after messing around with the 1.3b version, i finally managed to get the examples to work. when i tried the same steps on the 1.5 version, no hope. maybe you're right about the developers changing the compiler stuff. i'll use the 1.3b zip headers for this compiler. thanks for the help though.

2014-11-03 20:26:57

Dev c++ is an IDE, it uses a compiler named GCC.

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