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My thoughts about RocketCake

Registered User
2015-09-15 14:28:19



Congratulations on building an application that can create responsive websites EFFORTLESSLY.

I am Rom from the Philippines. Recently, I have been looking for a tool such as this as I prefer to design websites through WYSIWYG approach. I do not code but I read a lot in order to keep up with the latest trends and to be able to understand the technology behind website making.

I like RocketCake. The installer has small file size, it is fast to install, it loads fast and consumes less memory. I am considering on adding RocketCake to my set of tools. HOWEVER at its young beta stages, I find RocketCake’s features too minimal and backward. I made a list of suggestions that I hope you will consider on the ongoing development of the product.

1. GUI arrangement. As a user I feel more comfortable if the TOOLS panel is on the left side and the PROPERTIES and the DOCUMENTS PANEL are on the right side. Also these panels take too much space from the main working area. An option to set shortcut keys in showing and hiding these panels will be useful.

2. More built-in meta tags. Although obviously these can by added by accessing the HTML CODE it will be much simpler for users if these are forms or areas to be filled in the PROPERTIES panel. Examples: DESCRIPTION tag, ROBOT: follow, no follow, index, no index, EXPIRATION… and other useful meta tags. To some users, SEO may not seem important… but to some users just like me I consider SEO as an important aspect of website making.

3. Header tags: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. Although these can obviously be added with the HTML CODE tool, setting these with the TEXT tool is more convenient. Again some users are SEO conscious.

4. Paragraph tag instead of the redundant SPAN tag

5. Less DIV generation. If an element is to be put inside a CONTAINER or CONTAINER WITH COLUMNS, the div tag generated by every element (text, image…) inside the container div is redundant and unnecessary as it only clutters the code.

6. STRONG and EMPHASIS tag for bolding and inclining text and NOT CSS styling. Again another SEO concern here.

7. UN/ORDERED LIST and LIST tags in creating a set of list

8. Ability to customized ID names of elements. This is very useful especially if we are adding snippets or scripts that will need to hook up with a specific element on the webpage.

9. Ability to add custom CSS CLASS NAMES

10. The ability to insert HTML and PHP snippets directly in the TEXT TOOL

11. JQUERY RESPONSIVE MENU that will gracefully slide up and down when activated. Also it must use the UL and LI tag instead of the DIVS generated for every link.

12. JQUERY SLIDESHOW with more smooth animations and options.


14. GRAPHIC ROLLOVERS with JQUERY animations

15. An option to hide or show the Generator tag.

16. SITEMAP generation for the whole site (for spider food)

17. FILE UPLOAD (the ability to add some files that will be use for the project)

18. Favicon

19. XHTML and HTML5 document (DTD)

20. An option to publish or not to publish a selected or a set of web pages.

21. Publish changes only or change files only during publishing.

22. Separate GLOBAL CSS to be used by the entire site. Although an external CSS file maybe generated for each web page, loading a different web page will load a different CSS file thus there are no actual benefits in terms of optimizing loading speed. It would be better if there is a GLOBAL CSS file that will load only once, to be cached only once and will be utilized by all the web pages that shares the same elements especially when utilizing the MASTERPAGE.

RocketCake has great potential especially if this tool will be developed to the FULLEST.

Registered User
2015-09-15 14:28:53


People in the WYSIWYG, drag and drop arena like me maybe demanding but we want a tool that has RWD capabilities (like RocketCake which creates RWD like a piece of cake) at the same time is equipped with all the essential features and capabilities (the visually enticing creamy and delicious icing) that will meet the demand of modern web designing.

If Rocketcake will be fully and seriously developed, it will blast off and SKYROCKET and will beat the competition (MACAW, Coffeecup Responsive Site Designer, Adobe Reflow, etc…). I tried RocketCake Free edition and it made me felt that responsive web designing was so easy. The user experience was absolutely smooth. But having a visually meticulous palate I was craving for the modern and essential features a reliable web building tool MUST have and the mandatory cleanliness of the code that SHOULD be generated by this tool.

More power Ambiera. May you seriously developed RocketCake as the future of web design is not anymore on absolute positioned websites (like those created by Website Painter) but rather on dynamic and responsive websites.


We are all moving forward to the future.

2015-09-16 05:15:35

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Very useful. I will add some of the features mentioned into the next update already, but not all of them, this would take too much time. But I will probably add them :)

Registered User
2015-09-16 06:56:13

Thanks for having an open mind niko. : )

Registered User
2015-10-23 03:01:38

Additional suggestions:

- color picker to make color decisions faster
- larger HTML/PHP/JS Code window

2015-10-23 12:01:01

Thanks for the suggesions!
About the code window: It is resizeable, but yes, it would be nice if it would remember the size. :)

2015-10-26 10:56:04

One suggestion:

in webforms add the possibility to assign a caption to the fields.

After first testing, seems to be a good piece of software, keep going!

2015-10-28 11:40:51

Thanks, good idea.

2017-11-22 16:43:37

@ paragraph tag

I can't figure out how to support reader view in browsers.

besides the h1 tag the paragraph tag seems to be critical.

the only way I can put a p tag into the code within Rocketcake is within the html container. it is closed automatically though with /p
but should embrace the main article

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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