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Feature requests

Registered User
2016-07-06 08:53:23

Hello, I am currently trying the demo of the engine and like it a lot. I have played around with it just for one day, and already I would like to kindly ask the developers to implement the following things that IMO will make it even better:

- Introduction of Unity like WSAD or 3dsMax ALT+Middle Mouse Button navigation in editor window instead of the current Left Mouse Button navigation, since it often interferes with object placement - at the moment when I want to move an object I often move the scene view instead, which becomes annoying quite fast. Or even a better way would be to allow the user to set custom navigation keys.

- Ability to select multiple objects with Shift+Left Mouse and manipulate them.

- The path system is exteremely limited. There is a need for an ability to stop and wait for a set amount of time on an individual node, while playing "idle" animation and then continue along the path. Furthermore, the speed of movement changes dependidg on the distance between the nodes, but IMO it shouldn't, when it is a walking character. Instead, it would be great to input velocity value so that his animation alignes with his movement speed and remains constant regardless of the distance between nodes.

- In making a cutscene the path system is simply not good enough. For example, it is not possible to pause camera's movement or change camera's target position so as to rotate the camera's view while the camera is moving along a path. Thus, it is very difficult to make complex and exciting cutscenes with the currently available methods. The engine would benefit greatly from a keyframe animation feature or something else that would allow advanced camera movement control in cutscenes.

- Not sure if it I'm correct on this one, but the "exe" file seem to contain the whole game in it. Then it becomes really huge in size. Would be great to have several encoded data pack files instead.

- It would be great to have the ability to set one's own keyboard shortcuts for different editor commands.

- A LOD system would be great to have too.

Thank you!
See more :

Registered User
2016-07-06 14:01:34

An lod plugin has already been made. Its on the plugins page.

2016-07-19 12:09:27

An lod plugin has already been made. Its on the plugins page.

Is the plugins page on the site? I'm noobing it up here and I can't find it! :P


Registered User
2016-07-20 20:37:27

Registered User
2016-11-10 19:15:47

I can't seem to find that LOD plugin anywhere. Which one is it?

Also, the editor really needs WASD + Right Mouse movement similar to Unreal editor (which Unity copied later as well). The camera controls in editor are awful.

2016-11-11 06:39:45

Me too i dont find that LOD plugin.... But maybe @54newstar is talking about... split Oversized polygon plugin...

The editor xurrently doesn't have Wasd movemeny but you can use Arrow Keys for movement... And right mouse is also available for the movement...

Didn't used unreal and unity , so don't know if there is any diffrence between the movement in coppercube and unreal engine..

Registered User
2016-11-12 17:49:27

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