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Send variables and mtp plugin

Registered User
2016-12-21 07:55:40


I use Multiplayer plugin v1 by Jaimezegpi for a long time in some my projects. This is not real multiplayer, it just send position of player to php and user (I'm not a programmer, but i think it work like this).
I think this is a brilliant plugin!

And i have some questions:

1. Is it possible to send position of other objects and it clones? i need it for my sandbox game. (It like this: I was clone an object "Cube1" and place it in some position on my map, and other player must see position of Cube1, and i make this for Cube2-3-4...)

2. Is it possible to send variable? Like Health, money, level and special variables that activate some actions for player?

3. Can i make a Server app and Client app? (It like in mmorpg - On server app will respawn mobs and send it to player, npc , also on server i can send variable to player using IP or registration ID and set variable of players?)

4. Is it possible to set only Y axis of rotating in JS ? I need to copy only Y rotation and set this to other object?

Thanks niko and jaimezegpi.

I'm not programmer, i was working only with plugins and built-in functions and variables and that will be nice if you're update your plugin (actually v1, because this working on .exe)

Registered User
2016-12-24 07:06:43

Too many questions?

2016-12-25 05:59:23

I don't know a lot about that plugin, I'm sorry :(

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