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Set Position of a Scene Node not working properly

Registered User
2017-01-16 11:59:16

I've been struggling with 'teleporting' a node based on a variable before the first drawing. Basically I'm giving varying starting points for the player based on the variable.

Ive tried various methods and all give completely random results:

Placing node by fixed coordinates has completely random effects if values are over 1000. It feels like x and y both count as y coordinates.

Placing node relative to 0,0,0 of another node places node in a completely unrelated location. Feels as though xyz values get swapped.

Placing node relative to itself, without Animation places node in a completely unrelated location.

Placing node relative to itself, with Animation, works unless it collides with a collision node while moving. In this case will go to position as expected then quickly teleport back to the collision node. This is observed in all positioning types.

All hell breaks loose when you move an, or to a child node.

And yes changing positions with or without animation will leave the character in different locations.

Have anyone else observed this?
Thank You

2017-01-18 17:18:14

Probably you have collision applied to that node? If there is an obstacle, then it will get stuck on its way to that target position. That is by design. If you don't want that behavior, use the 'reset behavior' action on that node after moving. Hope this helps!

Registered User
2017-01-19 17:29:39

I see, ok thank you.

On a similar note I noticed that when you "Move by a vector into Facing Direction" That in spite of being asked for x,y,z coordinates, it only moves in one direction, but it does not even move in the front direction but rather to the right. And the values stack, so give it an xyz of 30,30,30 moves it 90 to the right. Also note that negative values affect as if they are positive.

Similarly, when I give a Shoot behavior and specify a specific node to shoot from, the node will shoot to the right. I need to give it an additional rotation of 0,-90,0 to counter this.

Please note that the model itself is properly oriented, when I use behaviors like Third Person Controller, or the Move by Keyboard the orientation appear normal. But Move by vector into facing direction, and Shoot actions still are not oriented properly.

2017-01-20 09:25:37

If you are using the movement action for this, it is probably the effect you are noticing: More than one of those at the same time won't work nicely together. You usually get the movement out of the last one active. And if all of them end at different times, the last one which gets the last move gets to say the final position.

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