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Behaviours-proposal and a bug

Registered User
2017-02-06 12:08:00

First: Love Coppercube!
But getting an overview of the behaviour-section of an object, easily gets difficult. It's ok if you have one or two behaviours with an action on each. Much more than that and it's getting messy.


1) When you have 2-3 or (more!) windows popping up when editing behaviours/actions, etc. They stack on each other. Would be better perhaps if they were ordered next to each other, so that we can see which the initial behaviour is that we are working with. Like in this screenshot:

2) When having a lot of objects and variables and actions. It's difficult to remember where they are and get a decent overview. When programming they are all in one document.
If possible: Could we have access to some kind of output from the editor, a text-file which shows all these behaviours that we've entered in the CC-Editor, so that we can have a look at it and perhaps even edit it directly from a text-editior?
(In other words: some kind of in-between-editing, which is not only code or only editor.)

3) Another proposal is to put a counter on each new behaviour - if you have let say eight of: "If a variable has a value - do something" - then it would be easier to know that it's number 4 of those that I have to edit, instead of going through them all in order to find the right one.

4) Some kind of ability to sort all behaviours - dragging? Also in the scenegraph.
Sometimes I add behaviours in the "correct" order. For example: checking proximity to object x - entering. And then the next behaiour on the same object for leaving proximity. But when having lets say ten of those, and you dont enter them in "correct" order. You can end up having one behaviour for object x(enter prox) and followed by objext z, and then object x again (leaving prox). While you wanted: obj x(enter prox), obj x(leaving prox), obj y, obj z, and so on.

There is also something buggy in the action-windows that appear (from the behaviours-tab on an object).
It occurs when I have more than one behaviour in that second or third window and have to scroll between them.
So, lets say I have added 5 of: "if a variable has a value - do something" in on pop-up-window so that I have to use the mouse and scroll to reach the fourth behaviour. I click it and and then when finished, wish to edit the fifth: I click the last fifth, but shows me the fourth behaviour - it fools me somtimes and is confusing.
I need to remember to instead use the arrow keys up/down to mark the behaviour I want to edit - it works with no bug. So it only happens when i have to scroll down and mark (with the mouse) the one next to the last and then the last one (again with the mouse). That's when it happens.
Might be because when scrolling and marking number 4 of 5 (or 8 of 9 or whatever), then behaviour nr 5 (9 - the last) only shows the upper half of that sentence. Visually, this (half sentence) is seen in the second window the image above.

2017-02-06 17:03:26

Thanks, sounds like useful suggestions, I've added them into as feature requests. Strange bug, I'll have a look at it.

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