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ColdFusion and RocketCake

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2017-04-17 17:44:13

Hey All,

Figured I'd start this thread as I'm a CF developer and so far so good with compatibility with RocketCake as expected...

I'm starting with a basic Email/DB submission form and have not run into any major issues as of yet, I designed the form in the RC studio and once happy with placement I then used DreamWeaver to convert the HTML form to a <CFFORM> </CFFORM>" form.

I also started using <CFOUTPUT> </CFOUTPUT> tags since Im generating my own random captcha codes.

The only extra step so far is that I code in DreamWeaver for the IntelliSense so you really need to have your form tightened up and finalized so not having to do double work.

2017-04-18 06:16:10

Ah, interesting to know, thanks for posting!

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