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Need help with something

Registered User
2017-05-01 03:01:33

I have a campfire and the fire will go out on a set time, I wanna pick up wood which I have done already in my game. but I wanna keep up the process. pretty much when the fire goes out you have to go pick up wood to start the fire but I'm not sure how to restart my behavior which deletes the fire again.. how can I restart the process so that I can go pick up wood again to start fire. I have a hidden cube which deletes the fire on a set time which ive done, but when I add in restart behavior of a scene node it doesnt work

Registered User
2017-05-01 03:08:38

heres a video of what im trying to do

Registered User
2017-05-01 03:24:34

Nevermind I figured it out

Registered User
2017-05-01 05:59:25

ok I thought I had it but im having a problem.. so Im using variables to reset the fire kinda like a door ( I grab wood when the fire goes out which the variable equals 1) but I wanna go back to the camp fire without wood for it to do nothing but when I grab wood for the first time the variable within the player I guess you can say is still 1 so even if I dont pick up wood the fire still appears but I dont want it to..I want it to only activate the fire when I pick up wood and do nothing when the fire goes out. Can anyone hep me with this please

Registered User
2017-05-01 07:12:38

so change a variable does not work for me.. I try to change variable = 0 so that im not carrying = 1 from the wood I pick up but nothing changes and I can still activate the fire even though I didnt pick up any wood the second time.. someone please help!!

Registered User
2017-05-01 09:05:15

omg nevermind, I figured it out this time. i didnt have the same variable name thats why it wasnt working, sorry guys.

Registered User
2017-05-01 09:12:07

I made a tutorial so that I dont forget this

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