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What is the actual icon size requirement for Windows.exe ?

Registered User
2017-05-27 16:28:38

What is the actual icon size requirement for Windows.exe ?

The dialog didn't specify so I gave it 2048 by 2048, it works but I would like to know what is the correct size.

and also what is the Android Icon file size ?
This last question is especially important because developing for android using a number of other technologies before, Android NEEDs a lot of different icon come Android in Coppercube is just one file ?
And what is that size ?
It should be noted to readers that the Android icon does appear on Mobile correctly, I am just wondering what is the actual size that Coppercube need.
I supplied 2048 to it.

Registered User
2017-05-27 19:13:04

I think CopperCube resizes it to the needed sizes automatically, so using a very big image should be fine. I think for Windows, it might be just 64x64, and for Android, probably 128x128. But I'm just estimating.

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