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Request: Frame-based animations for .X models

Registered User
2017-06-15 15:02:35

3D Rad had a rather nifty feature in where each frame of an animation was a separate file, which went like this:


It would play those files in a sequence for animations (it supported animation sets as well, but it was wonky). I would LOVE to see this in CC.

2017-06-16 11:44:54

Ah, interesting. For what would that be useful? I imagine you must have a lot of data for just a few frames, right?

Registered User
2017-06-16 13:03:48

That's the downside to that method. I had used a Mixamo-animated model once in Rad and the amount of model frames I exported was unbelievable. The file size was over 300 MB and it consisted of just a character walking around in a blank area. I guess it would be handy if you wanted to make precise animations. Meaning, you could just pose a model, export it, move it a bit, export again, and so on. It might be easier for people to do that as opposed to keyframes and such. I can imagine it wouldn't be hard to implement (just a sequence of X files). Not that I expect you to implement it, as you have no obligation to do so, but hey: It'd be awesome!

Registered User
2017-06-16 17:38:24

I used 3DRad too, this method made it possible to make certain animations that aren't really possible with bones. For example 3DRad had some tank meshes that physically exploded (No Particles) This was done with a series of models that depicted random groups of vertexes separating moving and spinning from the base model, probably generated rom 3D Studio max's bomb mesh tool. The look was quite convincing. It also allowed animations to be made from formats that do not support animation such as .3ds

j9907 This could probably be done via the JavascriptApi, IF the ability to dynamically swap the model file of a scene node was possible. Currently that is not possible.

Registered User
2017-06-18 11:31:46

How I failed to remember car explosions as being one of the things it could be used for is beyond me. haha. It was indeed very life-like and nice looking. The usefulness would be limited, but it might be ideal for stuff like that.

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