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Jumping / attacks with animations are a bit strange...

Registered User
2017-06-28 02:38:15

I took the plunge and bought CC Basic from Steam and I have more motivation to work on a huge project which I've wanted to do for many years since I now have as much time as I need, but I can't get the jumping to work at all. It seems the character is jumping, but it is extremely fast and he doesn't go high at all.

I also see the attacks with animations are a bit strange. Meaning: I made it so when you press the Z key the character will change his animation and a sound will play. My goal is once that sound finishes he'll return to whatever animation is playing (if the player is running then he'll go back to running instead of just staying at the last frame of the attack animation, or if he's idle it'd be the same thing). I'm guessing only one attack is available to the player. Correct? Or could more be added?

2017-06-29 01:46:30

Well you can do this easily.... And jump will look better if you are using physics... But it can be adjusted by decreasing the animation frame rate... To slowit down.. let me post a tutorial for this... So that u can ynderstand better...

And yeah u can easily do the second thing.... More than one attack is possible... You will get to learn coppercube when u play with it.. more and more.. most of the time u need to add both animation attacking and idle.. so that when attack is over.. player will go to the idle position...

Will post the tutorial soon..

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