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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
What exactly Can Coppercube 5 do?

Registered User
2017-06-30 15:40:47

I just bought this yesterday off Steam and I would like to know if I could build a game with vehicles with 1st/3rd person Cameras and with Getting in and Out of vehicles plus space flying simulation . I also wish to know if I can have spherical terrain (like Elite Dangerous Horizons, Star Citizen ,Empyrion: Galactic Survival ) or not Is this possible with this game engine ?

Registered User
2017-07-01 13:27:27

Well theoretically everything is possible, if you know how to use Javascript, and utilize the API. However if scripting is not your thing, and you want to do this with the standard behaviors /actions creating spherical terrain may be very difficult to do if not impossible.

There is a small discussion on using spherical maps for endless runners but I'm sure the info here will help:

As for vehicles yes you can do this without coding you need to have a on proximity behavior that switches the camera to the camera of the vehicle (just be sure to disable the movement when camera is not active)

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