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Can somebody give me an example can file with a mesh having an animated texture ?

Registered User
2017-07-05 00:54:40

Sorry for this dumb request.
Till this day I have not yet understood how exactly do you assign an animated texture to a model.

I am presuming a frame-by-frame texture, can somebody give me a simple example ?

Nothing too complicated, just a plane model ( flat polygon) with say an animated fire texture.

I would really appreciate it.

I just don't understand how to go about doing it.

Registered User
2017-07-05 14:57:34

Select the object you want the texture to animate, go to its behavior tab, add a behavior named "Animate a texture" to it. Then select the textures you need.

Registered User
2019-08-16 13:25:32

I was struggling with this as well and I'm glad I came across this particular post. Who knew the solution would be that easy. I'm building an interior view from a cockpit using a first person camera. Fingers crossed.

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