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New Updates To Community Website

2017-07-20 17:37:49

Hi guys...

1) I have fixed bugs with the forum. Now, users can upload images, embed HTML & Youtube video's and even upload video's.

The forum is now superior to Ambiera's forum in terms of functionality and ease of use.

2) I removed Groups, beccause nobody was using them.

3) Removed chat box and replaced it with private messaging on profiles.

4) Simplified the menu

5) Added the ability to upload images and media on activity stream

6) Allowed for a whole bunch of new privacy options

7) Fixed registration bug

8) Improved Toolbar bug

There are new behaviors on

@niko You asked me whether I knew of a better place to link my website on Ambiera website... I thought that because I host resources, the best place to link it would be under the resources tab as I have several resources that you do not host

I would link the shop page found here.

Registered User
2017-07-20 19:35:23

Don't take this the wrong way being that I commend you on what you are trying to do. However, being that you have a store you should have an SSL encryption being that you are collecting personal information. Like this forum doesn't have SSL security but it also isn't collecting any identifying information it just get username, email, password but not my actual name, address etc that is collected on your site. This has to be provided for even free things on the site.

It would be foolish to buy anything at the moment off the site because information isn't secure. Login and Register/ Purchasing/Shopping should be on SSL (https) and not http. Actually, a majority of sites nowadays is all SSL encrypted. Even Google Search is encrypted.

Like I said this site isn't as well but it also don't have my personal information. So don't care don't use the same password for my other accounts. So you might want to look into security for the site.

2017-07-21 16:32:33

Noted, work in progress...At the moment though, everything on the website is free

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