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Character should play victory pose animation when reached destination but can't because override by behavior

Registered User
2017-07-20 20:32:17

Character should play victory pose animation when reached destination but can't because override by behavior "Object or Person controlled by Keyboard".

I tried to stop this by wanting to change the "Object to Follow" of the Camera following the Player only to realize there is no way to change it !

How do I stop "Object or Person controlled by Keyboard" from overriding the Character from playing Victory Animation when it is time to do that ?

Registered User
2017-07-20 21:17:17

Just an idea don't have the time to try it out but you can have a character file that doesn't have the controller so when they reach the destination hide the character controlled one and make the one with no character control be visible at the exact location. So before showing the celebration character have it at the same position and rotation.

Registered User
2017-07-20 22:06:37

Your idea is excellent ! Thank you.
However I would not be using it to save ram, I do not want another similar character mesh to take up polygon count.

In like of the situation, your solution indeed is the way, I want you to know I appreciate it :D

Registered User
2017-07-20 22:22:24

Yea, I thought the same but I am in the middle of coding/debugging a player movement system based on the old movement system from Dungeon and Dragons game into CopperCube. So haven't had a real chance to play around with the build in movement system.

Registered User
2017-07-21 03:51:10

Based on what you have just said, I imagine you are quite ambitious with the project and you have the skills to pull it through, i think you are enjoying what you are doing very much which is awesome :-D

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