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"Street view" like Camera

2017-07-25 03:10:57

Hi everybody !
I tried to found a solution to my problem on the "help" forum, but it didn't worked, so I post it in here.

I wanted to make a first person view camera system, but with some inverted rotation axis. Basically, it's a "Street View Like" Camera System.
And so I started to make one in javascript as a behavior.

Unfortunately, I'm stuck when I want to move my camera with the keyboard (Here I should use some "matrix" ?). But I'm not a real coder so it' hard and long for me. There is also some problems with my target position.

Do somebody have got any idea about how to improve this code ?

Some help would be awesome !

Thanks !

(it work attached to a camera on a new basic map, I used the prefab cube to see the target position in real time... hard coding :) )

2017-07-25 03:13:39


// This is a behavior, that gives a camera, a first person move effect with inverted axis...

<behavior jsname="behavior_fpiaCamera" description="First Person Inverted Axis Camera">
<property name="MovementSpeed" type="float" default="0.1" />
<property name="RotateSpeed" type="float" default="10000" />

behavior_fpiaCamera = function()
this.LastTime = null;
this.MouseDown = false;
this.MouseDownX = 0;
this.MouseDownY = 0;
this.angle = -90;
this.ForwardKeyDown = false;
this.BackKeyDown = false;

this.leftKeyDown = false;
this.rightKeyDown = false;
this.jumpKeyDown = false;
this.downKeyDown = false;
this.upKeyDown = false;

this.RotateSpeed = 10000;

behavior_fpiaCamera.prototype.onAnimate = function(node, timeMs)


if (this.LastTime == null)
this.LastTime = timeMs;
return false;

var delta = timeMs - this.LastTime;
this.LastTime = timeMs;
if (delta > 200) delta = 200;
var timeDiff = delta;

//----------------------------------Target System -------------------------------

var cam = ccbGetActiveCamera();

if (cam == null)
return false;

var rotation = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Rotation");
var posTarget = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target");
var posCam = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Position");
var moveX = 0;
var moveY = 0;

if (this.MouseDown)
moveX = -(ccbGetMousePosX() - this.MouseDownX) * this.RotateSpeed / 50000;
moveY = (ccbGetMousePosY() - this.MouseDownY) * this.RotateSpeed / 50000;


if ( !(moveX < 0.0001 && moveX > -0.001) )

this.angle = this.angle + moveX * Math.PI / 180;
posTarget.x += (moveX) *Math.sin(this.angle);
posTarget.z += (moveX) *Math.cos(this.angle);


if ( !(moveY < 0.0001 && moveY > -0.001))
posTarget.y = posTarget.y+ moveY;


this.MouseDownX = ccbGetMousePosX();
this.MouseDownY = ccbGetMousePosY();

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target", posTarget);

//----------------------- Movements System --------------------------

var rotCam = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, 'Rotation');

var bForward = this.upKeyDown;
var bBackward = this.downKeyDown;
var bLeft = this.leftKeyDown;
var bRight = this.rightKeyDown;

if (bForward==true)
posCam.x += 0.5;
posCam.y += 0;
posCam.z += 0;

posTarget.x += 0.5;
posTarget.y += 0;
posTarget.z += 0;

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Position", posCam);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target", posTarget);


if (bBackward==true)
posCam.x -= 0.5;
posCam.y += 0;
posCam.z += 0;

posTarget.x -= 0.5;
posTarget.y += 0;
posTarget.z += 0;

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Position", posCam);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target", posTarget);

return true;

behavior_fpiaCamera.prototype.onMouseEvent = function(mouseEvent)
if (mouseEvent == 3)
this.MouseDown = true;
this.MouseDownX = ccbGetMousePosX();
this.MouseDownY = ccbGetMousePosY();
if (mouseEvent == 2)
this.MouseDown = false;
if (mouseEvent == 5)
this.MouseDownR = true;
this.MouseDownX = ccbGetMousePosX();
this.MouseDownY = ccbGetMousePosY();
if (mouseEvent == 4)
this.MouseDownR = false;

behavior_fpiaCamera.prototype.onKeyEvent = function(code, down)
if (code == 37 || code == 65 )
this.leftKeyDown = down;
if (down) this.rightKeyDown = false;
return true;

if (code == 39 || code == 68 )
this.rightKeyDown = down;
if (down) this.leftKeyDown = false;
return true;

if (code == 38 || code == 87 )
this.upKeyDown = down;
if (down) thi

2017-07-25 09:44:55

Thanks to share...

2017-07-25 11:20:40

Would you mind providing us with a zip... The code you pasted is not complete

2017-07-25 12:56:34

Yes, sorry, didn't saw the forum's limitation...
Just name the file behavior_fpiaCamera.js


// This is a behavior, that gives a camera, a first person move effect with inverted axis...

<behavior jsname="behavior_fpiaCamera" description="First Person Inverted Axis Camera">
<property name="MovementSpeed" type="float" default="0.1" />
<property name="RotateSpeed" type="float" default="10000" />

behavior_fpiaCamera = function()
this.LastTime = null;
this.MouseDown = false;
this.MouseDownX = 0;
this.MouseDownY = 0;
this.angle = -90;
this.ForwardKeyDown = false;
this.BackKeyDown = false;

this.leftKeyDown = false;
this.rightKeyDown = false;
this.jumpKeyDown = false;
this.downKeyDown = false;
this.upKeyDown = false;

this.RotateSpeed = 10000;

behavior_fpiaCamera.prototype.onAnimate = function(node, timeMs)
if (this.LastTime == null)
this.LastTime = timeMs;
return false;

var delta = timeMs - this.LastTime;
this.LastTime = timeMs;
if (delta > 200) delta = 200;
var timeDiff = delta;

var cam = ccbGetActiveCamera();

if (cam == null)
return false;

var rotation = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Rotation");
var posTarget = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target");
var posCam = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Position");
var moveX = 0;
var moveY = 0;

if (this.MouseDown)
moveX = -(ccbGetMousePosX() - this.MouseDownX) * this.RotateSpeed / 50000;
moveY = (ccbGetMousePosY() - this.MouseDownY) * this.RotateSpeed / 50000;


if ( !(moveX < 0.0001 && moveX > -0.001) )

this.angle = this.angle + moveX * Math.PI / 180;
posTarget.x += (moveX) *Math.sin(this.angle);
posTarget.z += (moveX) *Math.cos(this.angle);


if ( !(moveY < 0.0001 && moveY > -0.001))
posTarget.y = posTarget.y+ moveY;


this.MouseDownX = ccbGetMousePosX();
this.MouseDownY = ccbGetMousePosY();

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target", posTarget);

var rotCam = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(cam, 'Rotation');

var bForward = this.upKeyDown;
var bBackward = this.downKeyDown;
var bLeft = this.leftKeyDown;
var bRight = this.rightKeyDown;

if (bForward==true)
posCam.x += 0.5;
posCam.y += 0;
posCam.z += 0;

posTarget.x += 0.5;
posTarget.y += 0;
posTarget.z += 0;

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Position", posCam);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target", posTarget);


if (bBackward==true)
posCam.x -= 0.5;
posCam.y += 0;
posCam.z += 0;

posTarget.x -= 0.5;
posTarget.y += 0;
posTarget.z += 0;

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Position", posCam);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(cam, "Target", posTarget);

return true;

behavior_fpiaCamera.prototype.onMouseEvent = function(mouseEvent)
if (mouseEvent == 3)
this.MouseDown = true;
this.MouseDownX = ccbGetMousePosX();
this.MouseDownY = ccbGetMousePosY();
if (mouseEvent == 2)
this.MouseDown = false;
if (mouseEvent == 5)
this.MouseDownR = true;
this.MouseDownX = ccbGetMousePosX();
this.MouseDownY = ccbGetMousePosY();
if (mouseEvent == 4)
this.MouseDownR = false;

behavior_fpiaCamera.prototype.onKeyEvent = function(code, down)
if (code == 37 || code == 65 )
this.leftKeyDown = down;
if (down) this.rightKeyDown = false;
return true;

if (code == 39 || code == 68 )
this.rightKeyDown = down;
if (down) this.leftKeyDown = false;
return true;

if (code == 38 || code == 87 )
this.upKeyDown = down;
if (down) this.downKeyDown = false;
return true;

if (code == 40 || code == 83 )
this.downKeyDown = down;
if (down) this.upKeyDow

2017-07-25 12:59:54

} }

(only theses two guys are missing at the end...
Damn it...
This forum...

2017-07-25 15:48:28

Well, that is why I built the community website, all the problems with this forum are fixed... In any event, I uploaded the behavior to my coppercube community website store

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