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Dynamically loaded assets

Registered User
2017-09-12 10:28:27

I am a new CC user and am still learning how it works. After a big investigation I could not find any informations about dynamica assets loading.

From what I know every asset (node) must be added to the root scene node to be able to reach it and use it. So I can set it to invisible and now I can clone it for my future purposes. But what if I have hundreds nodes (models) in a game? Would it be perfect to load only models I want to use in a game on demand without adding them to the scene root at all? They must be prefabs of course I suppose.

How do you handle it in your games?

Thank you.

Registered User
2017-09-12 17:12:38

You can use the function ccbSwitchToCCBFile like in

to switch to other ccb files, and split up your game like this. AFAIK, the javascript engine and coppercube variables and others stay intact durign switching.

Registered User
2017-09-13 10:48:42

Unfortunately this doesn't work as I expected: it removes all other objects from the scene. Definitely CC needs an action for dynamic loading selected prefab at runtime without removing any other.

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