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Change resolution/grid size of terrain?

Registered User
2017-12-23 23:33:10


The terrain in CC is low poly by default. I know I can change the resolution of the textures which is works for the most part especially if you have lot of vegetation but I was wondering if it possible to change the resolution (grid size) of the terrain mesh so I can make smooth curves like in most modern 3D engines?


Registered User
2017-12-24 00:24:00

I don't think that this is possible to increase the grid size for the terrain however, you may use an external heightmap with higher details .. may be it will work

Check the Terrain and trees section under the documentation

Registered User
2017-12-24 13:03:56

Yes I checked the docs and it does mentioning importing custom height maps but I didn't have a chance to test because I don't have any 3rd party terrain editor to try at the moment but even if I would, if I can't decrease the grid size of the terrain I doubt the imported height map would be any more detailed as the terrian in CC would be limited by it own grid.

At least, this is what I think, but I'll give it a try.
Thank you for the reply :)

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