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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Mysql Support

2017-12-30 16:44:19

Hi @Niko

Why dont you just give uis Mysql connection Support so that w can build proper multiplayer.

There are a couple of multiplayer projects that people have made but nobody really feels that the current methods that we are using are productive.

Also, will Marsh Town Madness be added as a resource to the coppercube 3D engine help tab as requested?

I see the bug fix version did not have it.

I am quite serious about coppercube and mtm as a resource and I feel that I have proved this over the course of the last year that MTM has been up.

It would be beneficial to the community in my OP... I am also looking to create a wiki system for CC so that you can focus on the engine improvements

2017-12-31 07:27:41

Hm, I think mySQL is a bit too specific for multiplayer support, you can probably just to some non-realtime games with it, or games which don't do updates that frequently. Games like shooters or similar wouldn't be possible that way.

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