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Create professional looking mind maps

MindArchitect is a simple but powerful mind map editor. Create mind maps with Mind Architect just the way you want: Select from multiple predefined styles, create hyperlinks, embed images, format and style your mind mappings.

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For Windows

For macOS

Free and professional edition

Mind Architect is the mind map tool which comes as free and as professional edition. You can create an unlimited amount of small and mid-sized mind maps with the free version. If you want to create very big diagrams, please support us and buy the professional edition.

Native performance and advanced features

MindArchitect is a desktop app, and native mind map editor: highly optimized, supports quick diagram zooming, includes support for tables, anchor lines, advanced undo management and its own extensible style manager.

Many Styles

You can switch styles instantly with just a few clicks and make the best looking mind maps without any hassle.

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