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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
  Title Posts Last Post
Please add this 2 eoh (Guest)
2023-05-05 11:48:09
limit on spot lights 2 Robbo (Guest)
2023-05-05 05:56:17
Feature request 2 starx78
2023-05-04 09:11:38
Animate Texture bug 8 VP (Guest)
2023-05-03 08:10:50
Bug Fixes 45 just_in_case
2023-05-01 08:33:34
On proximity do something BUG REPORT 4 just_in_case
2023-04-29 14:31:45
Here are a few things I want added in future copper cube releases: 3 starx78
2023-04-28 15:10:43
Strange things with russian language (translation) 5 dekon_17
2023-04-14 09:22:07
No Bullet Collision (bug?) 24 VP (Guest)
2023-04-04 12:16:45
Animation Layers and IK *SO IMPORTANT* 1 mostock
2023-03-23 10:56:48
Html in text overlay 5 Chester (Guest)
2023-03-21 12:20:42
Forum feature 4 niko
2023-03-14 08:12:35
Is there a reason this cube and cone that is following along a path is blinking like disco dancing ? 6 bracer
2023-03-08 12:26:38
Support for TTS Pico SVOX or Espeak 3 VP (Guest)
2023-02-08 14:20:35
Emissive Shader in CC 5 Robbo (Guest)
2023-01-30 09:46:00
Feature request 12 Robbo (Guest)
2023-01-27 23:01:35
found one broken link in forum ? 13 gree
2023-01-07 20:14:34
Ability to copy action and paste them on another behaviors or actions. 7 just_in_case
2023-01-04 10:32:24
VR 1 spicymilk
2023-01-03 07:31:59
Same Request Nine Days Later... 20 onceforloops3
2022-12-29 03:13:18
3D audio not 3D in webGL 8 gree
2022-12-13 19:18:54
Array Logic Action Request 6 onceforloops3
2022-12-01 14:49:01
editorGetFileNameFromDialog 5 pmax
2022-11-26 18:39:11
Object Fade 10 gree
2022-11-17 14:30:37
Parallax scrolling 16 gree
2022-11-11 13:45:39
Linux version? 5 gree
2022-11-11 12:39:24
About localization 2 just_in_case
2022-10-23 08:30:58
orthographic camera/isometric camera 3 Aiming_bullets (Guest)
2022-10-09 19:00:24
CopperCube .apk build for Oculus Quest 13 Zoo (Guest)
2022-10-08 21:55:58
CC supports direct import for animated md2 models 4 onceforloops2
2022-10-06 03:41:06

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