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I am trying to make a game in the style of Doom, but with real 3D environments, lighting, etc, in Coppercube. I am running into trouble with how to do this? Tutorials are very much 3d model-centric, and trying to apply what I find there doesn't translate to billboards and overlays. Anyone got any tips? |
im no expert in billboards and 2d overlays but they are quite ease to use |
You can rip DOOM's sprites, and then try to get them working in CC. I believe if I were doing this, I would start off trying to get the Imp and its fireball up and working. If you have the DOOM game (or know where to get it), you have the sprites already. I have GZDOOM on my laptop. One of my favorite time-killers. You should focus on small things first, such as animating 2D images/sprites. For billboards I recommend you get some software that specifically animates 2D sprites such as Spine. Also, learning to make small animations in GIMP will help a great deal. You can use CC's default male and female billboards for testing and/or templates for manipulating in GIMP. Change their hair, face, clothes, eyes, etc. They are pretty huge by default in CC, however, so you may wish to change their height. I recommend you consider looking into Duke Nukem and the Build engine, as it is more suitable to recreating in CC than DOOM because DOOM was entirely 2D. Build engine had truly 3D assets in it, I believe. It's been awhile, so I may be mistaken. Without any more specifics about your problem, this is all I got. If I think of something later, I may post again. Best of luck. |
i am using stuff from freedoom, which is a libre iwad compatible with doom engines. so i have all the art i need to play with it. i can make an overlay with a gun sprite and a textured environment just fine. guess i just need to keep playing with it and see what i can make the engine do. i was just sort of hoping someone here had already done this type of project and could give me some specific pointers. billboard objects seem to only sit there doing nothing. |
"billboard objects seem to only sit there doing nothing." Here's an example ccb of an animated Imp billboard that I just created. If you give me a specific problem, I can help you better. Let me know if you have any questions. |
ok so i can see what you did with the animate texture behavior. here are some specific problems i am having. i make camera with fps movement, collide with geometry, collisions all work. i make billboard but even when i give billboard collision behavior i walk right through it. i can make a 2d overlay with a gun, but can't figure out how to shoot it. i will do some more tinkering, then post a test project so you can see what i am doing and maybe point me in direction i am going wrong? |
Well, if you want to use 2D sprites and all, You should check out my tutorial on a 2D platformer, It is deprecated series but will give you a clear Idea on how to use 2D stuff to do things, Right now things can be done with more ease and more perfection in CC. here is the link to the playlist on YouTube here. Also if you are interested there are many extensions, that might help you out are available on my website You might be interested in this extension as well, as per your post title. This one comes with an example with a Doom Enemy, which reacts to the position of the cube and changes its direction accordingly. hope that helps |
ok that is very useful stuff, thank you very much. |
@ragnar I will look into these problems today: " i make billboard but even when i give billboard collision behavior i walk right through it. i can make a 2d overlay with a gun, but can't figure out how to shoot it." i should have an example ccb for you soon. Best regards. |
@ragnar Here's that DOOM-like demo ccb I made: It's only posted for 30 days on the link above, but I will post it again if anyone reading this later should leave a request. I couldn't post it yesterday because I ended up having to do some stuff with the family. I called it Doomish for lack of a better name. It shows you: --How to setup a game using a bullet and a raycast (CC's defaulting Shoot action) --How to add collision to CC enemy sprite billboards AND have them function with the CC's default Game Actor behavior --And some other stuff. Regarding adding collision to the enemy sprites, in this case the Imp from DOOM, I was unable to do anything with CC's default actions and behaviors. I tried to do this with as little coding possible because I don't know people's skill level, and the intent of this was to make it simple. So you might need to ask me some questions about how I did the collision, ragnar. It was not as elegant as I would have liked. Since this demo was fast and sloppy--I made it in a couple hours with no planning--it's still a work in progress, there will be bugs and areas lacking attention. I can think of a few things right now that could use improvements. Namely the way I did collision for the Imp makes you unable to shoot him at point-blank range (he can't shoot either). This is something I may address today. The Imp simply needs some more logic to overcome this. All in all, I think it turned out well. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, I will gladly answer them. Cheers. |
ok i will check that out and see what i can figure out from it. i know very little javascript, what i know comes from fiddling with gdevelop. last 2 days i have been just fiddling with coppercube scene editor and getting familiar with mapping using primitves and suchlike. it's funny though, because i also named my test project doomish.ccb and thank you very much for reaching out and helping me. i am in no rush, enjoy your family time and i will digest what you have given me so far. thanks alot. |
and i have hosting space so i can upload the file to my server and link it if you want me to |
Actually, I messed around with GDevelop before finding CC. There's an excellent tutorial site I used to learn Javascript called: A few Youtube videos and that site, and you are good to go. If you look through the Doomish project you will eventually see that CC's behaviors and actions become more and more cumbersome to work with as the project grows. Complex operations become buried under layers of menus, whereas with coding, you have everything in plain sight in a text document. What I do while developing with CC is use the default actions and behaviors to test ideas before translating them to code. My main reason for doing this is to lessen the clicks I have to do inside the CC editor. That's funny about the name Doomish, but I seriously couldn't think of anything else. It's not like I am trying to actually recreate DOOM inside CC, just something similar as an FPS template/tutorial for new people interested in that sort of thing. You're very welcome, no thanks are needed. The CC community is small, but we try to be helpful. You can host the file if you wish or just keep it for personal use. I have MEGA for file-hosting, but I hardly use it. I figure I will just work on this until it's somewhat complete and then worry about that later. Here's a new update: I fixed the aiming, corrected the pistol animation, added the shotgun and its pickup, and some other stuff I am probably forgetting about right now. Today I will likely tackle the chain-gun. If time permits, perhaps a corpse for the Imp. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. |
that's awesome. you are kinda doing the work for me though! but i spose if you are interested in doing it, i sure as heck can't complain. i have been using easy fps editor ( ) up to now for fiddling with 3d stuff. i love gdevelop's visual scripting system, and i have seen a few ppl on gdevelop forum recommend coppercube as a comparable 3d engine. they really are nothing alike, but coppercube is pretty cool. i actually got it a year ago on steam and never used it up to now. (not using steam version tho now) now i'm gonna check out the new one you did! thanks! |
can you repost the doomish file? |
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