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Checkbox Validation

Registered User
2022-03-11 19:14:37


1. Issue

Due to the european "General Data Protection Regulation" it is necessary to offer a legal notice to accept.

Therefore I wanted to insert into contact.php a validation for a checkbox:

<input name="GDPR" type="checkbox" value="" title="" required="required" id="checkbox_12077a6" >

I couldn't change it in the "HTML-Code Dialog". So I changed it in notepad++.

But it was not saved in contact.php?

2. Issue

By clicking the "General Data Protection Regulation" link the GDPR-Site is displayed.

When I click back to the form (menu-button), all filled-in information (name, email, message) are gone.

Well, I think there is a script necessary. What kind? JS, CSS, PHP, etc.?


2022-03-14 07:41:03

About 1: Yes, this is already on the list and will be fixed with the next update. But you can also do this without manually editing the html afterwards: Just right-click the element, select "HTML Code..." -> "additional attributes" and enter "required ="required"".

About 2: Usually, you do this with PHP, but yes, you can also do this with JS if you like.

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Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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