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Menu Bug or Default?

Registered User
2022-03-14 02:29:10

I have 16 pages that belong to the top nav menu total. Everything works fine on desktop and tablet. On a cell phone when you tap the HB menu the drop down opens up, which is fine. On a larger phone in portrait position you can see the whole 16 pages. But in landscape the pages go off the screen and you cannot scroll down to see them. On the smaller phone this happens either position. Larger phone is an iPhone 8+ and the smaller a iPhone SE.
So, is this a bug, normal or a problem with safari?


2022-03-14 07:55:15

Some browsers might always behave in a weird way. Especially the old mobile Safari, it's now considered the new IE by some people.

You could do several workarounds: You could split your menus or reduce the font size of the menu. Maybe it also helps in your case if the page where this is happening is a bit larger so the user can always scroll down.

But I'll also see if I can reproduce your issue and see if a future update can improve the situation.

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