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Few questions on mobile (Android) game export

Registered User
2022-03-15 13:04:58

I had enough of trying to find any good game in Google Play Market to play on my phone during some free time in college or anywhere else. So, yeah, I started creating my own! But hey, you know, I can't create anything without having a problems without clear understanding how to solve them. And... Here those are:

1) Particle parameters change
I wanted to make the particles for my character when he's on the ground, so, while jumping it does next things:
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(this.Particles, "MinParticlesPerSecond", 0);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(this.Particles, "MaxParticlesPerSecond", 0);

While working on PC test, it doesn't go well on phone:

I have no idea why, since basic parameters (position, rotation and scale) work pretty well (there was one problem though, but surprizingly, I solved it).

2) "Back" button on the phone closes the app
Yeah... This is kinda weird considering that I want to make pause for this key... Is there a way to bind this on some other action?

That's what I don't know... for now. If you understand how to solve these problems, can you guys... help me?

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