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FBX Animation file import bug

Registered User
2022-04-28 14:30:42

Hi everyone I'm currently trying to build a game to release to steam but Im having an issue animated FBX files. Mine have 3 separate textures and I export the model with the option to pack the png files and then when I import it into CC6 I only get one texture.

I import the model into MIXIMO with textures, then after getting all my animations I export back to blender. Merge the animations then export to CC6 as a FBX file.

I tried to use MS3D but my programs don't play nice anymore with that file format.

2022-05-07 14:15:32

Hello there @John, Hope you are doing great, FBX file formats work great, if you are using blender to export your model, then I suggest you change the path mode in your export setting to "Copy" and then click the icon near it to embed the textures into the FBX file itself, when importing in CopperCube it will then generate a folder named same as the modelname.fbm, it will contain all the textures.

if the textures don't pre-applied to the model in CC when you import them, then you can manually apply them to the model.

Also, there can be other reasons too if your model is not showing textures correctly. You can watch my video tutorial on YouTube.

hope that helps

Registered User
2022-05-10 14:06:18

Woah, I didn't realize you could do that. I guess I know what I'm doing the rest of the day, I'll be watching your videos.

2022-05-11 06:31:47

Thanks, I hope the videos will be useful to you :)

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