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Suggestions and observations

Registered User
2022-05-02 17:23:48

In my daily use of this excellent application, I have been encouraged to post the following suggestions that, in my opinion, can make this application more user-friendly (sorry for the english, i use google translate so i hope this can be understood):

1- In the properties window: show the id of the component and that it can be edited. That the html/php/javascript code can be edited from there, because it happens that in complicated designs where there are containers inside other containers it is difficult to select a "parent" container because it can be hidden by its "children". And although it is possible to select using the element browser, it is really difficult to use the popup that shows "html /php/javascript code".
2 - In element browser: right clicking on any object allows: change the ID and edit the html code of the selected object. Synchronize the element browser with the objects on the page in such a way that when an object is clicked on the page that same object is selected in the element browser (and vice versa)
3 - Element Browser: allows to move (reorder) the elements within the element browser. (drag and drop)
4- Define keyboard shortcuts for: hide/show: toolset, documents, element browser and properties windows (and any other).
5- When pressing escape on any selected object: automatically selects the "parent" component that contains it. This will make easier to edit properties because sometimes it is difficult to select a component with the mouse when, for example, the child is the same size as the parent. Similarly, when selecting a component in the editor, the selection in the "Element browser" window must be updated, that is, there must be synchrony between the editor, the element browser and the properties window. It would also be great that when the mouse cursor is over any object, a "hint" is shown indicating the name of that component.
6- Allow assigning a name (ID) also to code type containers (html, php, javascript), so that it is easier to know their content simply by seeing their name or by passing the mouse over them (a hint with their name should be shown).
7-Remember the location of the Document explorer, properties, toolset and element browser windows as well as the visibility status of each one. In other words, remember how each user prefers to see the work environment.

Registered User
2022-05-02 20:55:29

- Option to show non-printable characters in design: it has happened to me that due to a "carriage return" that I cannot see, I have spent hours trying to adjust a design...

2022-05-03 06:24:22

Thanks for the useful suggestions. Will definitely implement some of them in the next updates.

Registered User
2022-05-06 04:25:50

Thank you for considering my suggestions. Best regards.

Registered User
2022-05-30 04:07:27

Hi, I also would like a possibility to remove all tags inside a marked text passage. Sometimes there are nonsense Tags like "<div> </div>" and multiple repeated <span...> tags and it is difficult to remove them.

2022-05-30 07:22:50

Uusually, RocketCake removes tags like these and tries to generate code as clean as possible. Maybe they are there for a reason. Could you maybe send me a .rcd file with a page where this happens? On this website under support -> contact, there is also a mail address printed.

Registered User
2022-08-31 19:25:34

I have some feature suggests I would happy to use with RC:

* More templates,
* Any kind of CSS framework, like Bootstrap - to use styled elements,
* Tabs, accordeon, popup - these elements are in the meanwhile absolute basics, I guess. But OK, such elements could be added as custom HTML / CSS / JS,
* Really painful for me is no automatic Table of Content creation based on headings and their nesting level
* Breadcrumb with structured data would be nice! And maybe some other types of structured data, like Article, FAQ and Q&A,
* Very handy blogging feature would be a sortable block "All artcles from certain category", where category is a folder, and articles - pages in this folder

From my very picky point of view, you already do an absolutely outstanding job! Just to not to seem grumpy

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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