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scripted rotation

Registered User
2022-05-17 09:34:23

I'm trying to make a combination lock, four numbered cylinders that rotate when clicked
I can do it with with "change rotation of scene node" then "rotate by rotation" but I can't see how to do this using a script

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation",36.0,0.0,0.0 );

just turns it the first 36 degrees, I can't figure out how to add rotate by rotation

It seems easy enough to do without the script with a few variables checking turn count etc where's the fun in that
It would be nice to do my own action were I could enter a combination code and generally learn...I'm new to js and Coppercube

Registered User
2022-05-17 12:06:39

nigec wrote:
I'm trying to make a combination lock, four numbered cylinders that rotate when clicked
I can do it with with "change rotation of scene node" then "rotate by rotation" but I can't see how to do this using a script

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation",36.0,0.0,0.0 );

just turns it the first 36 degrees, I can't figure out how to add rotate by rotation

It seems easy enough to do without the script with a few variables checking turn count etc where's the fun in that
It would be nice to do my own action were I could enter a combination code and generally learn...I'm new to js and Coppercube

If you set it 36 then it will be 36..
it doesnt ADD 36 but sets it to be fixed 36.

to ADD 36 use this..

var OldRot=ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation");
var NewRot=OldRot.x +36;
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation", NewRot,0,0 );

OR use variable..
variable Xrot=36;

ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation",Xrot,0.0,0.0 );

If you didnt understand then feel free to ask again.. i make example if you need it.

Registered User
2022-05-17 12:27:45

Thank you sven, yes that works

is it possible to animate the rotation?

Registered User
2022-05-17 12:57:27

Thank you sven, yes that works

is it possible to animate the rotation?

I edited my door script so you see how it can be done..
Klick on box to rotate it..
You can set time (how long it should rotate)
and int value how much it should rotate.

Here is example:

You can look into DoLater script to understand how this kind of stuff can work.
Probably there is many ways how to do it.(depends how you need to make it work)

Registered User
2022-05-17 15:18:12

thank you for your time,
I'm getting there, I have all the dials turning and a check to see if each dial has done a full rotation and resets the rotation back to zero once it has

very impressed with Coppercube so far

Registered User
2022-05-17 20:25:36

this is what I've come up with so far and it seems to work:

action_lock = function () {
action_lock.prototype.execute = function (currentNode) {

var node = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode,"Name");
var rot = ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode,"Rotation");
var rotnew = rot.x+36;

if (rotnew >=360)
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation", rot.x =0);
ccbSetSceneNodeProperty(currentNode, "Rotation", rotnew );

var chx1 =ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("dial1");
var chxr =ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(chx1,"Rotation");
var chx2 =ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("dial2");
var chxr2 =ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(chx2,"Rotation");
var chx3 =ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("dial3");
var chxr3 =ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(chx3,"Rotation");
var chx4 =ccbGetSceneNodeFromName("dial4");
var chxr4 =ccbGetSceneNodeProperty(chx4,"Rotation");
//code 2436
if (chxr.x==36 && chxr2.x==108 && chxr3.x==72 && chxr4.x==180)
print ("unlocked");

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