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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
the mini map

Registered User
2022-05-22 19:03:23

I have been trying to figure out how to pick up enemies using the Follow the main character on map, but everywhere I go to try and find the answer there are half answers and dead links.

Registered User
2022-05-22 20:47:04

I could have sworn I saw a written tutorial on how to do this. I'm not at all fluent in JavaScript.

Registered User
2022-05-22 20:52:15

Hello chicoporter,

There is a while I'm away from the forum.

Luckily, I just saw your messages

Do you want to know how to use or you have a specific question ?

What are the dead links please ?

Registered User
2022-05-22 22:53:22

They were mainly links to pages that are no like longer available for example projects and whatnot. And you know what, I'm just getting frustrated as I approach 50????.

All I'm looking at doing, for the moment is to be able to see enemies on the radar.

I'm working on a cockpit, already have a basic shield system going and I'm hoping to be able to put a "sensor" log/journal system. I was thinking writing and reading to a text file or something. Haven't thought that far ahead.

2022-05-23 03:29:28

Good on you 'chicoporter' - keep going..
I am in the exact same boat as you - also approaching 50 this year.....hah! - I will post the Behavior and matching PDF in case you don't have this...

2022-05-23 03:33:32

See link in case you dont have the attached PDF that should explain things....I havent used this myself yet but thinking one day would be good....

Registered User
2022-05-23 08:14:05

I've read the pdf a few times over. Maybe it's my lack of understanding, but I didn't see anything in the document. Am I crazy, wait, don't answer that, I know I already am. :)

Registered User
2022-05-23 15:43:27

I grabbed that big collection of scripts. I used the radar behavior. One problem though, I tried replacing the color codes with an image and it didn't show.

Registered User
2022-05-26 00:27:13


Sorry for getting back a little bit late.

I've double checked the links in the documentation. They're working fine not sure which links are broken ?

Which version are you using v1 or v1.1 ?

make sure the texture name is entered manually. (make sure it is case sensitive)

Registered User
2022-05-26 12:53:41

Sorry for the late reply. I'll have to go through my history. These were from old posts anyway, even tried using the way back machine, sometimes successful, other times not so successful.

I'm currently playing around with that collection of behaviors.

Regarding the radar though, and mind you, my scripting abilities are sub par at best. I was wondering how to position the radar screen without offsetting the player dot. Also, how would I change the color of the dots to represent enemies, friendlies, etc?

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