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Collision in CopperCube

Registered User
2022-05-26 22:09:46

I have a camera and an object in a game scene. The object is a child node of the camera. I want to make it that the object collides with the game building and cannot go through the building because the game scene is like a building. There is a collision on the camera but its still not colliding with the building and its going right through the building and when I added collision on the object it simply disappears, what can I do to make the object not go through the building and not to disappear
The object has a behavior of Game Actor with Health and its Mode is Randomly Patrol and it attacks the player.

Registered User
2022-05-26 22:58:37

you need to use collide when moved behaviour

Registered User
2022-05-27 11:39:47

On the camera or on the object?

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