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Sounds not playing on webGL :C

Registered User
2022-06-06 20:52:17

Hi! This is, i think, very basic -- I've just started groping with the engine. As the title says, sounds ain't playing when i test the game on webGL. I tried WAV and OGG, and I'm using Chrome. Any ideas? Thank you :)

2022-06-06 22:14:45

Hey, Chrome has audiocontext disabled until user performs action with the page. Try to add another scene there user has to press enter on the keyboard in order to switch to your main scene. Also check Chrome dev tools console, if it says something like audiocontext was not allowed to start - that's the issue.

Registered User
2022-06-06 23:46:11

Thanks mate! Yeah i thought that was something related to browser security, but i thought it should be solved by just clicking anything in-game... which is actually what happened when i launched it from a server. Yet, using a server for simple testing ain't practical...
Anyway I made a separate opening scene and that worked perfectly :D

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