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Brand name and logo left to a menu ?

Registered User
2022-06-20 23:40:23

Please did someone managed to put a small logo image and a brandname at the left of a navigation menu ?

I have tried to put them inside a two columns container but when I resize, if the hamburger is displayed, i lose the dropdown menu.

If possible to do it, another question could be if i could move the hamburger to the right of the page instead of the left.

Many thanks

2022-06-21 06:52:24

Yes, see this website where this forum is on? It was made using RocketCake and has this.

For not making the hamburger menu appear, you can select the option "MobileMenu" and set it to "none". Or make it appear later, you can specify at what screen width it should appear.

Putting something next to the menu is usually done by using 2 containers, you can see it for example in the "Restaurant" template which comes with RocketCake.

Menu to the right instead of the left: Yes, that's also shown in that example template.

Registered User
2022-06-21 13:15:22

Hello Niko,
I do thank you a lot for your reply which helps me a lot.

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