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Android Development in CopperCube

Registered User
2022-07-13 13:43:00

I published a project I've been working on Android and when I ran it on my Android Phone it gave me message "there is no enough memory available on this device for the app". I checked CopperCube Documentation on publishing on Android and it said use textures with low resolution and skeletal animations with few bones, I'll like to ask what resolution exactly is advisable to use for Android?

Registered User
2022-07-13 13:49:48

I used a 512 * 512 in most of the textures of the games so I am guessing that is why it crashed. I only have one animation in the game which is in the Main Character which was a model and animation I got on Mixamo. I will also like to ask if this too can affect it and make the game crash.

Registered User
2022-07-13 13:58:16

After all the above happened, I made an application in CopperCube and published for Android where its just one scene with a 2D overlay which has an image resolution of 128 * 128 and there are 2 other 2D overlays (Play and Options button) which are buttons when clicked on switch to another scene. When I published the apk and ran it on my Android device, its working perfectly but only the Play and Options button are showing, the 2D overlay with image of 128 * 128 resolution is not showing but the buttons are working perfectly and when I click on it, it switches to another scene. So my question now is why the image is not showing on my Android device even with a 128 * 128 resolution?
I'll glad if someone could help me on this.

2022-07-13 19:46:34

Hello .
Yes 2d overlay is black in coppercube android export.
Android export has many limitation .
I advise you export your game as webgl and then convert it to apk with another software for example web2apk

Registered User
2022-07-13 21:51:51

Thanks! But is there anyway to fix the 2d overlay showing black in Android Export?
I would have loved to publish on WebGL but I'm also having issues porting to WebGL, anytime I run my application on WebGL, it just shows the CopperCube Loading Scene and does not work. I really don't know why it does that. Someone said I should try creating a server to fix the issue but I really don't know how to go about that. My game is about 125MB, I don't know if the file size is too large for WebGL.

2022-07-13 22:19:21

I think if you disable the "alpha" in 2d overlay properties and only use image, it shown correctly in android export.

About webgl , fot testing it , you dont need to have a server .
Whenever Coppercube is open and you run webgl, it will run without the need for a server (of course, Google Chrome or Firefox must be installed on your system)
I guess the reason why you say that only the loading screen is displayed and the main scene of the game is not displayed, maybe it is because your game consumes a lot of memory.

Registered User
2022-07-14 13:58:51

Yhh for other small projects I have done, they work on WebGL without any issues. I guess my game just consumes a lot of memory. But I would like to ask what I can do to make the game consume less memory and run on WebGL

2022-07-14 15:31:23

there is an extension available that copresses the webGL game and increase the performance and loading time. it can increase the speed of your webGL game.
Download the extension from the extensions page of CC.

2022-07-15 01:09:20

125 mb of apk size does NOT run in Android by a project has been made by Coppercube.

You have to get down the size of apk package too much to install in Android system.

Coppercube free is on 5 mb of apk size for Android. It's limited in 5 mb as max size.

Registered User
2022-07-15 01:17:06

@aiming_bullets I have done that but it really compresses the 3d models and distorts their look and makes them not look too appealing which I don't really like.

@Arcanjo Wow I didn't know there was a limit for the file size. That's probably why it didn't run. I'll like to ask if there's a limit for WebGL?

2022-07-15 15:05:34

I don't know about the limit of WebGL.
But there's a limit.

Registered User
2022-07-15 19:44:00

Ok. Thanks!

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