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Question on multiplayer: are WebSockets useful for creating a multiplayer game?

Registered User
2022-07-21 07:24:55

I know, asking this question might result in little to no response (I mean, not so much people here know how to make multiplayer on CopperCube, as far as I know), but I will try to ask it anyways.

So, since socket connection is the only viable choice for FPS games, I tried to research on possible ways to make at least something with them. As it turns out, there are WebSockets available in JavaScript, which is neat. But here's the thing: firstly, I don't know if CopperCube support this kind of stuff, and secondly: all the examples that I found in the internet were some sort of browser applications (like chats or something).

This makes me wonder: is it even possible to use WebSockets for multiplayer in CopperCube games?

2022-07-21 07:32:46

For webGL-based games, I think it is definitely possible. Here is a link to the game multiplayer game that was created about 6 years ago using CopperCube. Maybe you can find something useful and interesting in there.

Registered User
2022-07-21 07:48:34

Well, that's neat, since I have one WebGL project in development.

But will it work on Windows? I mean, what I found in internet was something like using URL of a website (something like wss:/, I don't remember), which initially made me think if it is usable for Windows games.

Registered User
2022-07-21 10:15:50

Unfortunately, WebSocket will not work on any targets other than browser.

The reason for that is that WebSocket API is a part of modern browser functionality, not Coppercube itself. Coppercube also uses an old JS (definitely pre-ES5) version of JS and lacks a lot of modern JS capacities also, like for example JSON object support which is used for data serialization which is crucial for a multiplayer project.

Actually you can sort of make it work by running your game in some web application wrapper like electron You can even target the platforms not officially supported by CCB (like linux for ex) that way.

Registered User
2022-07-21 10:21:02

Well, that's unfortunate. So... Is there any other way to make a socket-based multiplayer? As far as I know, there is just WebSocket in JavaScript. Does this mean that there is no normal way to make a socket-based multiplayer?

Registered User
2022-07-21 10:36:27

Okay, I have a really bad idea about multiplayer.

It's probably bad because it is based around HTTP server and ccbDoHTTPRequest command. I suppose that this is a bit terrible way to make multiplayer on Windows, but this is the only thing that I came up with.

Registered User
2022-07-21 10:38:59

I guess, the best option is use webgl target and wrapper like electron.

Another option is to use a third party tool to create a websocket connection. There is also no way to create an IPC so the only way to communicate to it is by using the file system.
You can find a demo and simple implementation of this approach here: Download link is in the comments. I used node js to establish a connection. Actually, I would not suggest using this approach. If desktop is a must better use electron.

Registered User
2022-07-21 11:08:51

http is not that bad tbh.

The main thing you should not send a new request every frame. Instead you save your game state send it to a server every 100 ms or so.

For example, let's say you have a simple game: two players p1 and p2. They can shoot to each other, the one who's not dead wins.

What can you do:
Server side. You need to create a simple server app using php, nodejs, .net or whatever you like to use. It will not be a real "server" just a tool for interchanging the data between clients (i.e. players). In-game it will use only 1 endpoint, call it update. There should obviously be others which will allow you to establish a connection, create a lobby and etc, but I think you will figure it out.

Client side. You need to send your player data to the other guy. There are multiple things to send: your character rotation, position, and animation and also data which could be described as events: player fires a gun, player takes damage, etc. So:

For player data (position, rotation, animation):
1. Client 1 side: you should have a function which gets your local player character position, rotation and current animation and sends it to the server every 100 ms (/update endpoint). You also need to assign both client IDs (1 and 2 for example);
2. Server side: as server receives this data it saves it to a variable matched by player id.
var player1data = {
posx: 1,
posy: 2,
posz: 3
rotx: ... etc
var player2data = {
posx: 10,
posy: 2,
posz: -23

3. Client 2 side: client two sends it's data the same way as client 1 (/update). In response to this call it receives player 1 data.
4. You now have player 1 data on player 2 client. But you can't directly apply it,since we're only sending it 100 ms and moving/rotation would be jumpy in that case. For that on client you create a states array, which stores player 1 data along with the time than data was received.
Something like:

// an array to store your states
var stateArray = [];
// update endpoint call function
// you send playerId and playerData to the server using url parameters
ccbDoHttpRequest('yourserverhostorip/update?playerId=' + playerId + '&data' + playerData, function(receivedData) {
// received data from the remote player
// parse receivedData to js object somehow so you can
// access remote player position, rotation and animation
// parse is just to mock - it's not a real function
var parsedData = parse(receivedData);
// save remote player data snapshot time
parsedData[time] = (new Date()).getTime();

Registered User
2022-07-21 11:11:49

I've looked the behaviors and stuff from that video, and I must say, if I will be able to understand some things from here, I can actually try to do something based on it. Thanks for that.

Registered User
2022-07-21 11:16:58

Oh, wait, HTTP method is not bad? That's surprizing. But considering that I will need to do this about every 100 ms, this won't suit me. You see, I am trying to create a bit dynamic game, so, it will be a lot I guess. Still, I must try that as well. Maybe I will use it in my other projects, who knows?

Also, how do I send the data to server this way? I mean, HTTP request is understandable, it gives me data, but how do I send it?

Registered User
2022-07-21 11:40:48

5, So now you can have multiple states with data stamps. Let's talk only x position for the simplicity it's applied to a rotation same way. So you have 2 snapshots. At 0 ms your player 2 x position is 0 at 100 ms your player 2 position is 10. So for simplicity let's say the player characters moves lineary, there will it be at for example 50 ms? - in the middle of that distance. On 33 ms it will be at 1/3 of the distance. I.e. we can get a position at any time using linear interpolation. The function used to do that is usually called lerp. You can find js implementation of it in the Internet. I guess something like this would work:

// this should be run on every frame
// the code sets a position/rotation of the remote player
// get current local time first
var curTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// use an offset to switch it back to around 100/150ms. This is also a common thing google "source multiplayer networking" for example for details.
curTime -= 150;
// find first snapshot which past the curTIme
var firstSnapshot;
// here you look for a first newest snapshot which snaphost.time < curTime
var secondSnapshot;
// you just take a one with (i - 1) from the firstSnapshot;

// you use your lerp function
var player2Posx = lerp(firstSnapshot.x, secondSnapshot.x, curTime - secondSnapshot.time);
// now you apply it to the player

Sorry I didn't realize it takes that much time to describe:)
If you decide to do that and get this far let me know - I'll update the text.

Registered User
2022-07-21 11:42:34

You can use query parameters to send data

Registered User
2022-07-21 14:48:19

Woah, okay... This is kinda incredible. I will certainly try this.

Thanks, okeoke!

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