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Selecting or deselecting external CSS

Registered User
2022-07-25 12:01:40

In a previous thread, erik kindly informed me that you can deselect external CSS by unchecking 'Use external CSS for styles' in the Options panel. In doing this, an in-line style will be applied instead and all formatting will still be as normal.

Questions that come to mind however, are why have the external CSS option at all which will of course generate external CSS files and so result in more files? Also, although using in-line styles doesn't seem to effect formatting of html files, would in-line styles make the page less responsive?

If not, then I'm considering using in-line styles for all future projects.

2022-07-25 15:56:06

Yes, that's actually also preferable for me too, but it's by default switched on because quite a lot of people wanted external css files and couldn't find the option at the same time. There is no other reason for that, so you can safely switch that option off.

Registered User
2022-07-26 23:47:55

I'm glad you say that, because I'll also opt for in-line styles for future projects, as it will greatly reduce the number of files I have to upload to a server, and because this will remove the possibility of CSS files becoming corrupted, which is what happened to me very recently.

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