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Slideshow Background Transparent Behaviour

Registered User
2022-08-11 14:56:16

So here's something that's unexpected (to me) - I have a background image on my webpage. Then I put an image on top of that that is partially transparent (think like a window frame, showing the background as if it's in the frame) - works a treat. I can scroll up and down to see the background through the window frame.

Now I wanted to have some text sliding over the window opening - I figured the easiest way would be to replace the static image with a slideshow - make my text ANOTHER transparent png of text, and set the slideshow background to be the original window frame.

That's where the party ended - when I set my transparent window frame as the background, the transparent part is ignored and I'm forced to select a colour for the "background" in addition to the fact that I've already selected my background as the image.

Thoughts? Is this expected behaviour for some reason that I cannot discern? I would think if someone wants to have a partially transparent image as the background in a slideshow, that shouldn't be a problem?

Thanks in advance for your attention!

Registered User
2022-08-11 20:17:53

don't use transparent images as a background.
The transparency will show you this what is behind the transparent-image and nothing is behind of any background.
The transparency only works when you insert this transparent image as an image/picture for example in a container with invisible background

2022-08-13 07:06:25

Not entirely sure I understand. You can send me the .rcd file and I'll have a look.

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