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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube

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2022-08-17 15:37:04

Hello, please can anyone tell me if it is possible to import my own custom PNG images into Coppercube as trees? I am creating a pre-historical African settlement and intend to use the kind of trees that grow in that region. It works easily for plants like Cassava but Plantain trees appear small like grasses if I try to paint them unto my terrain. Is it possible to scale the sizes of various PNG files painted with the terrain editor paint brush?
I hope my explanation is clear enough

2022-08-17 16:06:40

I already have answered to your post, in the previous thread, here is again I am posting the answer.

"If you are talking about leaves and textures for the plant then, simply import the textures from the textures panel "Add' button, and when you create a tree from the inbuilt tree generator, you can specify the texture for leaves and trunk of the tree.

If you are planning to use 2D tress, then you can simply create a billboard or a plane mesh, whichever fits in your scenario and can apply the texture to them."

in short yes, you can import PNG Images in Coppercube, simpley create a planemesh of 1 width, 1 height and 1 tilecount, and then apply the png image as texture to it.

you can also watch my 2D game demo, to get an idea how to create planemeshs and apply textures to them, you can then, scale the planemesh according to the png image size.

here is the url to the Youtube video

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