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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
ENEMY AI WON’T STAY DEAD even after his life bar is over

Registered User
2022-08-17 15:41:35

Please I have set up a scene where an enemy AI runs the die animation when his life is finished, how do I make him lay dead on the ground for a while after he runs the dead animation before disappearing? Or would I have edited the animation to lay on the ground for a while in Maya first?

2022-08-17 16:12:06

you can have delay befor the deletion or the removal of the AI node, in his action on death. or you can simply have an action do later that plays the death loop animation of laying down on the ground, after a few seconds of the death animation.

there are many ways of doing this.

Additionaly if you are interested in beat'em up game and AI, you can checkout my beat'em up demo on

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