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Image Resizing

Registered User
2022-08-17 21:31:54

Hello RocketCake's members!
I cropped RocketCake's image used in the "Office Consultants" Template and inserted it in a new RocketCake practise website, to learn to learn how to use RocketCake.
The process went as follows:
1.) I cropped the image in my Image Editor App, and saved the cropped image in my "Pictures" folder in my laptop.
2.) Then, I created a "Container" and in the property window, I clicked "BackgroundMode" and set it to "image".
3.) I set the image's "Position Type" to: "Free Position"
4.) And saved the project.
Then, I proceeded to move the "Slider" to see how the website would look in a cell phone and to my surprise the entire image was shrunk instead of remaining the same size, but limited to a region within the image.
My question is: What do I have to do to make any image, cropped or not, to act the same as the image in the above mentioned template or in any other template?
Thank you ahead time.

Registered User
2022-08-18 06:16:14

The size of the image was likely set to a percentage of the container or page it was in. Like the width was set to 50%.
You can set it to an absolute pixel size instead if you like, then change it from like "50%" to something like "100".

2023-06-06 11:49:10

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