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Problem with animations import

Registered User
2022-08-28 21:13:03

Adding animated meshes is cool. It's even better when it has animations. Thing is, whenever I update the animated mesh, yes, it does update the ALL animations. But I am talking about other thing.

When you import an animated mesh with actions or NLA strips, Copper Cube assigns animations. That is great. But if I will change animations in Blender (add or remove keyframes), upon updating the model in Copper Cube, it will not update timestamps of animations (if, for example, it was 725, it will remain at that value, even if it is changed). All the movements are just like you did, but I need to rather change timestamps by myself... or:
1) Delete the model in editor;
2) Restart Copper Cube;
3) Add an updated model.

Is there an option or a little something that allows to update timestamps for animated meshes? Did I miss something?

2022-08-28 23:19:59

You need to delete the old model from the scene,rename the new model (do not use the same name as the old model node), then import the new renamed model - all animations will then be correct again in coppercube.

Registered User
2022-08-29 18:07:59

Well, this is a bit sad, but at least some solution. Thanks.

2022-08-30 05:20:43

You can also reload the model from the disk, instead of deleting.
just right click the model and go to modify selection and then reload the mesh from disk. You can also rename the Animation from the animation editor window, and can also reload your mesh from there.

renaming your model from animation editor will allow you to have 2 different instances of your model, one with old animation data and upon loading the new animated model you will have your new model.
Note that your old animated model will lose the ability to reload from the disk once you rename your model in the CC animation editor.

hope that help

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