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An issue with Android export

Registered User
2022-11-22 08:39:38

So, I tried to make a mobile game. Despite that I made one game for Android with Coppercube a long time ago, I ran into a "little" problem.
The game does not work even for small testing purposes. Here's what Android Studio built-in emulator says:

Kind of a same thing happens on my phone, it just wouldn't install it.

Here's how I configured Android directories:

What am I doing wrong?

2022-11-22 11:26:21

I don't know but if you have an android studio and the client source for CopperCube Android then you can build your apk directly through the android studio. I recently made and posted a video on how to do this on YouTube, you can watch the video here:-

Also, it can be an apk signing issue, you should try republishing your apk with a different keystore files. And i don't know what is the minimum target sdk version you have for your game.
So make sure you are using the correct configuration for your app.

Registered User
2022-11-22 14:29:36

Hm-m... This doesn't seem to help.

Also, while looking at "Android (.apk) target > Setup" in documentation, I found this: "Please install the included Android SDK in a near top level directory named like C:\androidsdk or similar." Right now, Android Studio, Android SDK and Java SDK are all installed on disk D. Before, they were all on disc C (when I worked on my previous game) and everything was fine.

Does this mean that I need to install Android Studio or something else on disc C?

Registered User
2022-11-24 10:35:02

So, I tried to reinstall SDK-s, recreate keystore file, it's just nothing. I also tried using JDK 19 and 17, no difference. My phone says that the application is not installed because the package is invalid, and the reason might be that it is corrupted.

My old projects still can be installed, but when I tried to do a copy of one of those games, it had the same error. What I find kinda weird is that the original .apk is 497 kilobytes and the clone (that had nothing more from original but one 2D overlay) is 491 kilobytes. Seems like it does not pack some things up or something. At least, that's what I think what it does.

Seemingly, I tried everything that I could think about. It just doesn't work. At all.

2022-11-24 10:57:12

Try replacing def.ccb file that is presented inside your old working apk with nee project file. You can use winrar or any other zip explorer to edit the apk file. You can find the def.ccb file inside the assets folder.
and then you can use Apk signer tool or apk editor pro on your mobile to sign the modified apk then try installing it.
It will work probably. Otherwsie if you don't mind, you can send me your project file over discord and I will create an apk for you.

Registered User
2022-12-02 22:46:41

So if you do not have the source code, can you still generate a APK file and play the game on Android phones/tablets?

Registered User
2022-12-03 09:18:11

Nope, it cannot install the game. It says something about the package being corrupted, thus not installing the app.

Registered User
2022-12-04 16:47:07

So, I solved this issue. It might be because Java was outdated or because some official Java files could be replaced with ones from TLauncher (basically, a malware with a function to launch minecraft). So, now, after deleting "malware" and reinstalling Java, guess what, it works just fine.

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