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Access Clones

Registered User
2022-11-27 00:01:36

How would I move a player camera object's position to new clones of an instantiated node? How would I write that in JS???

Perhaps something Like ccbAICommand "moveto" this.clone.position?

I have a set of cloned scene nodes and I want to be able to move the player camera to the next closest node in a set of clones based on "WASD" input.
Please Help
Thanks in Advance

Registered User
2022-11-27 00:10:15

NM, I think I figured something out that will work. Just working still on my big planets for my game. Too many distractions where I am living. LOL

Registered User
2022-11-27 23:11:16

The best way is this... To be able to access the clones of the node, create a base node then add 1 to the name (e.g "fire1") then to get the clones of the same node, just use a loop and then keep adding to the number to the base name i.e "fire" + 45
Something like this...

var loop =1;
while (loop <= no_of_clones){
var node = ccbGet SceneNodeFromName("fire" + loop);

Registered User
2022-11-28 19:00:27

When some uses the "Instantiate" Javascript command, is that the same as using ccbclonescenenode or is it something different? I have a group of nodes that were created with the instantiate command, but I don't know how to get the camera to move towards the next node based on player WASD input.
I'm guessing I'll need to use an array, but I wouldn't know how to put one together by myself.

Registered User
2022-11-28 19:51:28

I have never used the instantiate command... So I advice you to use the clone command instead...
And to create an array, in the loop... Let it append each object to an earlier created array... e.g

var clones ={};
var loop =1;
while (loop <= no_of_clones){
var node = ccbGet SceneNodeFromName("fire" + loop);

Registered User
2022-11-28 19:55:52

Then you can use the array to calculate the next node for the camera to move to.
(I actually think it would be base on distance

Registered User
2022-11-29 22:21:51

As I mentioned I have never put together or could in the past put together an array. Sorry bro, I'm just more of a complete non-coder:( :)

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