ivarforkbeard Registered User |
2023-03-26 16:34:01 |
Okay, this is similar to my request that clicking off a property pane wouldn't cause it to discard the current state - which I think most of us would agree is unexpected behaviour.
This time I'm also saying that if you finish typing in a new entry on a property field (say, the filename), then pressing tab SHOULD take you to the next field and save the current one. Right now, it doesn't seem to do anything.
Really hope I'm not wearing out my welcome with these little bits of polish I'm suggesting - I just know RocketCake is amazing and love that we can all help to make it even more perfect!
micaelo Registered User |
2023-03-27 00:37:58 |
Good point! Fully agree.
ivarforkbeard Registered User |
2023-04-07 16:14:06 |
Piggy-backing on this, I just realised that when creating a menu, it's a similar situation, the only way to get out of the box is to click elsewhere. I'd really like if I could either tab or hit return and go on to making a new menu entry - I think most people would agree that feels natural.