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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Dynamically Disable Collision?

2023-04-24 00:13:50

Is it possible to disable collision of a node dynamically/by command?

So far, I've tried the following:
1- hiding the node.
2- placing the node in a folder and then hiding the folder.
3- childing the node to another node and hiding the parent.

In all cases, collision still remains. Can any one think of a way to turn it off please?

Thank you.

2023-04-24 04:40:05

If you are using physics simulation, you can use the command ccbUpdatePhysicsGeometry() every few seconds and it will update the collision.

but if you are not using a physics engine, you can scale down the object to (0,0,0) to hide and remove the collision during runtime.

I have already created an API for this so that the collision can be turned off and turned on dynamically during runtime, but that might be available in a future updates only.

Meanwhile, you can try scaling down the object, and it will turn off the collision for you.

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