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2023-11-26 09:03:35

Hey guys, I am opening this thread to post some commisions job, I don't have any real job right now and am struggling with financial stuff, so I am thinking of becoming a full time youtuber or making myself available for commision based job. Below are a few things I can do:-

Shaders:- I can create shaders for you. If you want any screen effect from shadertoy website in your game, I can port that shader for you in both openGL and DirectX, Commision charges will be based on the complexity of the shader with a minimum charge amount of $2 usd for a shader.

Coppercube plugins and extensions:- I can try to create extensions or plugins for you, with same minimum amount of $2 USD and the commision charge will be based on the complexity of the extension of course.

Coppercube source extending:- if you want me to implement a totally new feature for coppercube by adding it to the source code of the engine and let it get added to the editor for public use, I can also do that starting from $5 USD minimum charge and commision based on the complexity of the features requested.

Game dev:- I can help you with testing and debugging and suggestions and ideas, optimizations bug fixing, logics and algorithms for your game. For this there is no minimum charge you can pay me whatever you think is best suitable for me based on my feedback or on my work.

Tutorials:- I can create exclusive video tutorials with voice overs for you on how to do stuff in coppercube/ unity or in unreal engine.

Third party:- I can also help you with third party related libraries and source code including how to setup things in visual studio how to compile a project successfully in vscode by fixing the errors and issues, how to embed other stuff or libaries in your visual Studio project. I can only offer my help in visual studio projects only. I will charge a minimum of $5 USD upon successful implementation and commisons will be based on the project structure and the complexity and amount of errors needs to be fixed.

Things that I won't be able to do for you in any of the above mentioned commison jobs:-

In any case am not going to build a whole game or a project from scratch to the final build for you.

I am not an artist, so please don't expect me to do the 3D models, animations, textures(images) or sound related stuff for you. I mean either you have to provide it to me or add them in yourself.

If you want something in a limited amount of time, then please don't assign me any jobs, I don't prefer to work based on deadline, if you don't have patience then I can't be of any help to you. Depending on the project complexity it can take much time to accomplish something. Only thing I can assure you is that, I will keep you updated with the devlogs, so that you can get a roadmap of what I've done so far.


I am very transparent when it comes to payment.
In any event I will not be able to refund the amount paid for the job.

I will charge you only after sending you a video proof of the job, of how the shader works or how the extension works or the requested project or stuff works for you.
If you are satisfied with what you'll see in that video then only pay me and then I will send you the code.
I will try to provide a video tutorial as well on how to use the shader and of possible a template demo file too.

So if things works in the template and demo file but doesn't work for you because you are lazy to watch the video and follow the tutorial and you don't understand a bit in the video, I will not be able to refund you. So please pay at your consent for what you will get.

Make yourself very clear when assigning me to a job be specific to what you want and what you are trying to acheive so that it won't become complicated for me and won't waste my time.

You can cancel the request if you don't want me to work on the project or extension anymore, I won't ask you a reason why you did so.

I will only accept paymnet via Paypal or through

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2023-11-26 09:04:44

Hope that I came very clear with my terms and payment stuff, if everything fits in your perpective and you want to assign me to a job, then you can send me an email here:-

Or join the discord server and send me a text over there:-

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Sam Grady
2023-11-26 11:53:25

Can you make coppercube editor save positions of panels on reopen it, i hate to setup all the windows on every start (((

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2023-11-26 17:43:33

Well, I think I did something like this in the past but it works only with undocked windows, and coppercube by default get started in a docking state so it wasn't working for the docked windows.
I still might have that script in my PC, I will send you the script when I have access to my PC.

I might not be able to make editor changes, for CopperCube but I will see what I can do.

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Registered User
2023-11-27 22:27:02

Look, I don't want to discourage you, but I doubt you'll earn more than a few bucks here, and that "youtuber" thing is a delusion, its one guy in a million thing, it's easier on Github and Reddit, there are lots of developers on Reddit in subs like gamedev, programmers, etc. I think you can found a job on that place, I found a job on Steam, do you believe me ? That notebook that Im using I got it through some app promotion services for a programmer, I also gave feedback and tested his programs, he paid me 150 dollars per month so I bought this, also I wasted a lot of money on games and apps (talk about regret...) in the past, this is somewhat good money in my country, I worked only one hour per day, but when he said I should get a Mac to test his apps because he was getting overwhelmed by making his tools available for Windows and Linux, he wanted to focuse on Mac, I jumped ship, he even contacted me again, but I didnt give any response, I hate Macs and anything Apple related, overrated and overpriced junk.

Go on these places that I said, tell the programming languages you know, tell that you know about shaders (someone might be impressed), and show what you've already developed, make some something on Unreal or Unity (dont waste time showing your CopperCube expertise) and post a video about as showcase, I think you will find something easily, I dont know nothing about coding and dont want to learn and I found one job, so you can too.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 07:55:56

Look, I don't want to discourage you, but I doubt you'll earn more than a few bucks here, and that "youtuber" thing is a delusion, its one guy in a million thing, it's easier on Github and Reddit, there are lots of developers on Reddit in subs like gamedev, programmers, etc. I think you can found a job on that place, I found a job on Steam, do you believe me ? That notebook that Im using I got it through some app promotion services for a programmer, I also gave feedback and tested his programs, he paid me 150 dollars per month so I bought this, also I wasted a lot of money on games and apps (talk about regret...) in the past, this is somewhat good money in my country, I worked only one hour per day, but when he said I should get a Mac to test his apps because he was getting overwhelmed by making his tools available for Windows and Linux, he wanted to focuse on Mac, I jumped ship, he even contacted me again, but I didnt give any response, I hate Macs and anything Apple related, overrated and overpriced junk.

Go on these places that I said, tell the programming languages you know, tell that you know about shaders (someone might be impressed), and show what you've already developed, make some something on Unreal or Unity (dont waste time showing your CopperCube expertise) and post a video about as showcase, I think you will find something easily, I dont know nothing about coding and dont want to learn and I found one job, so you can too.

Says the guy who not only can't program, but also doesn't WANT to learn.

"I don't want to discourage you"... yeah right. Then offer BETTER solutions, rather than saying such and such, won't work, give him alternatives in addition to what he's suggested.

And, tearing down Apple products... um, are you thinking Apple still makes Intel-based Macs? Because if you'd take the time to look at what the M1 and beyond processors can do, compared to even recently Intel/AMD offerings... I think you'd end up eating your words in a hurry. Go ahead... I dare you to look at reviews of the M1/M2/M3 on Anandtech, TomsHardware, etc. Don't worry... I'll wait.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 08:21:01

Sounds like a great idea Just_In_Case I'll try to make a $20 donation as a goodwill gesture for you today.

I'd also like to commission some things for the community if possible please. Here's a list so you can pick and choose which one's you like best some are probably quick and simple, some would be stressful/difficult/impossible to implement in coppercube. Let me know a price/fee for each, if you're interested.

If you could make any of the following please?....

1- "On proximity to any node" - rather than on proximity to a specific node.

2- "Key Remapper" - a plugin with all the keycodes listed so the keys can be changed. Eg: When "k"is pressed, output "p". When "e" ispressed, output "null" (do nothing).

3- "Lerp position" - a behaviour which, when attached to any node, will tween/accelerate/decelerate it's movement automatically instead of keeping a constant velocity.

4- "Alpha-channel based" collision system.

5- A simple node-based/joint-based "Ragdoll" simulation - (if) it can be ported from some existing javascript and mapped to the coppercube physics.

6- A parabolic shooting/throwing system.

7- 3D particle system - attach 3D nodes to particle system.

8- Horizontal billboards.

9- 2D Side-shooter spaceship/plane controller for the 2D pack (eg:Gradius/R-type).

10- A "nostalgic" palette shader ported from's "Nostalgia.fx" reshade plugin to simulate old-school retro computer/console colour schemes.

11- A "vectrex" style shader which shows only colourised mesh edges (see reshade, Daodan's MeshEdges.fx)

12- SFXR/BFXR style incorporation to coppercube to make/recall our own sound effects from seed/reference-number internally rather than from sound-files.

13- Procedural/random placement for asset scattering on maps similar to grass painting of buildings (or any 3D nodes) with placement/rotation.

14- 3D Stereoscopic shader: basically just 2 camera views with slight divergence on same target to produce a FullSBS side-by-side (cross-eyed) passive 3D effect, without the need for an expensive headset.

15- A bone-pose/animation system to manipulate 3D joints of rigged models inside of coppercube.

16- Orthagonal view camera with function for "Export transparent alpha channel png" screenshot from camera viewport.

17- Pitch-based playback of wav/ogg sounds to allow simple playback of musical notes etc.

18- Incorporation of Steinberg VST2 audio plugin effects to Coppercube.

19- import of GLB animated 3D meshes.


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Registered User
2023-11-28 08:53:42

Actually, just hit pause on that for now - it wont let me link my card to my PayPal account. I sent a tiny donation from the wallet's credit and closed the account but it still wont add the card or make a payment. I'll have to phone them to try to fix it and then I'll get back to you.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 09:40:35

"18- Incorporation of Steinberg VST2 audio plugin effects to Coppercube."

All that for just $20, come on, it should be at least $500. The guy is no one slave.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 09:54:19

99% are incredibly unreasonable, especially 19, 4, 5 and 15. You do realize nobody except Niko has the editor source code, right?

A few of them are noble ideas, like 1 and 11, I'll give you that. The others, though? It would warrant at least a few months of work on each, and far more than a measly $20... Also, name one game engine which has support for VST plugins... You won't find one. It's an interesting idea, but wholly impractical.

Maybe with Unreal Engine 5 that can be done, as those guys are absolute wizards (that's what billions of dollars in financial backing does, I suppose), but a small one-man effort game engine which is based on crusty 20-year old code? No, not in the state it's in now. With some serious reworking, maybe.

You'd have an easier time integrating support for DirectX audio effects. Those are a unicorn breed though and long-since deprecated, so have fun finding ones to use.

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2023-11-28 10:00:44

No, I'm giving him $20 as a free donation because he's struggling financially. Then he can charge for the work as per his original post.

How much are you giving him for free? How much of his work have you supported financially in the past?

Put your money where your mouths are.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 10:09:44

Okay, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you. That's it. No need to get defensive.

Also, I haven't financially supported him in particular before, but for at least one guy who used to frequently come here, I probably sent the guy like $400 total to work on something for me. Third person character controller, etc. What a pricey endeavor that was. This was before really any good solutions existed (Sm Mmhdy's controller, Sam Grady's controller, etc). Also sent Sm $50 once.

Paying for things isn't an inherently bad thing of course, and it's noble that you are going to donate to JIC. Good on you for doing that.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 10:17:28

Nice one. yeah, sorry for getting defensive, your comments came across as an attack. Glad I could explain myself. I just have to wait 24 hours to reset my PayPal. I'm on a very low income but I'll donate as and when I can, regardless of whether anything on the list can be created or not. *I certainly didn't expect all that for $20.

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2023-11-28 10:23:09

All that for just $20, come on, it should be at least $500. The guy is no one slave.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 10:35:51

Nice one. yeah, sorry for getting defensive, your comments came across as an attack. Glad I could explain myself. I just have to wait 24 hours to reset my PayPal. I'm on a very low income but I'll donate as and when I can, regardless of whether anything on the list can be created or not. *I certainly didn't expect all that for $20.

Hey, it's totally fine! My bad, I didn't mean for it to come across as condescending or otherwise rude. Wasn't at all my intention.

I understand being on limited income, I really do. I'm definitely comfortable enough to be able to spend a couple hundred on whatever I want (usually stuff I don't need, admittedly, lol - though I've been paying artists to re-create some low-res models for me as of late and picking up on my project I've been chipping away at for 6+ years now). I donate to stuff occasionally, particularly the ReactOS project. Those guys are masterminds!

Also, keep up the good work. You're quite the innovative visual programmer from what I've seen!

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