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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Blender xyz

2024-02-29 01:40:19

What is the correct xyz axis’s I should set up my character model and animations to, in order for them to import into coppercube correctly? I have noticed that the “object controlled by keyboard” controls different depending on the way the model is imported in. I’m trying to get my character to run forward w/ 3rd person camera but he”s running to the sides instead and just rotating in a circle when clicking left and right arrow.

2024-03-01 13:46:13

you can correct the rotation inside Coppercube, there is an option Additional Rotation in the "Object or Person controlled by Keyboard" you can adjust the player rotation in there, so that you character will move in correct direction when you are moving him forward.
Try rotating him on the Y-axis, by 90 degrees.

2024-03-01 16:50:02

Thanks, but before I even noticed you replied, I had went ahead and created my own custom behavior for player controls and it works nicely. But I would like one more thing. I can’t figure out the correct way to make a behavior that can turn the camera view on mouse click and drag. Any soulutions?

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